摘要开放式数控系统具有很多传统数控系统所不具有的优点,如可移植性和兼容性强, 开发成本低、人机界面丰富友好和简单易行的操作性,由于这些优点,开放式数控系统 取代了传统数控系统,成为了数控系统发展的大趋势。其中,最为出色的是基于 PC 的 开放式数控系统,基于 PC 的开放式数控系统主要有三种典型结构:PC 嵌入 NC 型,NC 嵌入 PC 型和全软件 CNC 型。其优点有成本低廉、可靠性高,软件资源丰富等。82345
本文开发的基于 GT 运动控制器的开放式数控实验系统采用了 NC 嵌入 PC 型结构, 本文还对实验系统进行了软硬件的设计,并对实验系统进行了验证。该系统的硬件部分 由 PC 机、XY 运动平台、固高公司生产的 GT-400-SG 运动控制器、交流伺服电机、伺服 驱动器等组成。软件部分以 WINDOWS XP 为操作平台,采用面向对象和模块化的编程技 术,以 VC++为编程语言,设计制作了人机界面,并利用动态链接库实现对 GT-400-SG 的直接控制。在此基础上,开发了二维插补算法和 G 代码编程数控实验系统,分析和比 较了几种插补算法的特点和不同参数下的直线和圆弧的仿真结果。
毕业论文关键字:开放式数控系统;GT-400-SG 运动控制器;逐点比较法;数字积分法
Abstract Open CNC system has many advantages that traditional numerical control system doesn’t have , such as strong portability, compatibility, low development cost,rich and friendly man-machine interface and simple operation, because of these advantages, open CNC system replaced the traditional numerical control system, becoming the main direction of the development of NC system。 Among them, the open CNC system based on PC is more outstanding, there are three kinds of typical structure of open CNC system based on PC as follows: PC embedded NC, NC embedded PC and full software CNC。 All of them have the advantages of low cost, high reliability, rich software resource。
The open numerical control experiment system based on GT motion controller developed in this paper adopts NC embedded PC structure, the design of the software and hardware of the experiment system is also carried out, and the experiment system has been verified。The hardware of the system consists of PC, XY motion platform, GT-400-SG motion controller produced by Googoltech, AC servo motor, and servo driver。 Software based on the platform of Windows XP as the operation platform, adopts oriented object and modular programming technology, with VC + + programming language, design and product the man-machine interface, and use the dynamic link library to realize direct control of GT-400-SG。 On this basis, the paper has developed two-dimensional interpolation algorithm and the G code programming of CNC experiment system, and analyses and compares the characteristics of several interpolation algorithms , and compares the different parameters of straight simulation results of line and arc。
Key words: Open CNC system; GT-400-SG motion controller; Point by point comparison method;DDA
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1。1 课题的研究背景及意义 1
1。2 数控系统的历史现状和发展趋势 1
1。2。1 数控技术的产生和发展 1
1。2。2 数控系统的发展趋势 2
1。2。3 开放式数控系统的特点和优越性 3
1。3 论文的主要结构安排