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时间:2020-01-16 19:35来源:毕业论文


With unique language, Ha ni people is a minority with no character, Their culture is mostly reflected through some production activity and life. With the development of national history, there are some typical clothes, terraced fields, and festivals existing in their life. Here are three examples as follow:First, Ha ni people’s clothes with every stitch and design posses long  culture deposit;Second, Ha ni people’s terraced fields, to some extent, symbolize the cultural atmosphere of this minority. Moreover, the construction and appliance of terraced fields not only offers their basic life condition, but also stimulates the economy to develop rapidly;Third, there are kinds of wonderful festivals in Ha ni people’s life, which typically displays their national belief .Admittedly, there is interaction among these three points, which jointly constitutes Ha ni people’s production activity and life. 

毕业论文关键字:哈尼族;服饰; 梯田; 节日; 关系

Keyword:  hani;  dress;  terraces;  holiday;  relationship;

 目  录

一、哈尼族服饰概述 4

(一)哈尼服饰的色彩及其内涵 4

(三)哈尼服饰佩饰及其内涵 6

二、哈尼梯田概述 8

(一)哈尼梯田的现状 8

(二)哈尼梯田的内涵 9

(三)哈尼梯田的作用 10

三、哈尼节日概述 11

(一)传统节日及其内涵 11

(二)新型节日及其内涵 12

四、哈尼服饰、节日、梯田的关系 12

(一)哈尼梯田与服饰的关系 12

(二)哈尼节日与服饰的关系 14

(三)哈尼梯田与节日的关系 14


图 1  奕车女子服饰 5

图 2  元阳哈尼族女子服饰 5

图 3  西双版纳哈尼族女子服饰 5

图 4  哈尼男子服饰 5

图 5  哈尼服饰银饰装饰物 7

图 6  哈尼服饰银泡装饰图 7

图 7  哈尼服饰羽毛装饰图 7

图 8  哈尼服饰毛线装饰图 7

图 9  哈尼梯田图 9

  哈尼族居住于我国云南边疆地区, 伴随着社会历史进程的漫长发展, 哈尼族人民以自己的勤劳、智慧和特有的技能, 创造了光辉灿烂、丰富多彩的物质文化和精神文化。哈尼族的生产生活问题正是这一物质文化和精神文化的体现。异彩纷呈的服饰,宏伟壮观的梯田,丰富多彩的节日,无一不在反映着该民族所处的自然历史条件和社会生产力水平。 哈尼族服饰梯田节日及其相互关系探讨:http://www.youerw.com/wenxue/lunwen_45268.html
