关键词 电视节目 电视访谈节目 电视谈话节目 中日比较研究
Title A Comparative Study of the Sino-Japanese talk shows
China and Japan as neighbors across the sea for many years, in all aspects of interrelated and influence each other. Nowdays, with the mass media continue to grow,and its power getting stronger, television is becoming an important part of our daily life. Japan has made many achievements in this field, such as a mature program system and a variety of program types in TV. Along with the economy continues to develop allergies, the public gradually increase the requirements for persity on television programs are increasingly high requirements. The talk shows, as a larger proportion of television programs, including many topic TV, connecting with our daily life,has been sought after by the majority of the audience and attention.Therefore,a good grasp of interview programs design and production worthy of our attention.
In this paper, we choose the Japanese popular talk shows “arashi ni si ya ga re”and Chinese talk shows “super interview” as examples, analysis the similarities and differences between these shows, and why does this happened. What’s more, I will give you a simple analysis of future development trend of the domestic shows, and try thinking about how to provide better advice for such programs.
Keywords TV shows talk shows TV talk program sino-japanese
目 次
1 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究方法 1
1.3 研究意义 1
2 访谈节目 3
2.1 访谈节目的定义和构成 3
2.2 访谈节目的特点 3
2.3 国内访谈节目的发展 3
3 中日访谈节目的差异——以《超级访问》和《交给岚吧》为典型案例分析 5
3.1 节目来源 5
3.2 节目架构 6
3.3 节目嘉宾与内容的选择 7
3.4 主持人 8
4 造成差异的原因 10
4.1 社会背景不同 10
4.2 广播电视体制不同 10
4.3 受众不同 11
5 国内访谈节目发展建议 13
5.1 细化受众定位,拓展节目选题范围 13
5.2 丰富栏目板块,挖掘访谈节目潜在发展空间 13
5.3 主持人风格个性化,提高主持人职业化要求 14
结论 15
致谢 16
参考文献 17
附录A 《超级访问》2010年至2014年受邀嘉宾列表 18
附录B 《交给岚吧》2010年至2014年受邀嘉宾列表 21
1 绪论
1.1 研究背景
在当今社会,电视早已成为主流传播媒介之一,访谈节目更是电视节目中的一个主要类型。作为电视节目的重要组成部分,访谈节目自推出以来便受到观众的欢迎,在电视节目播放的历史上长盛不衰。伴随着社会的不断进步,访谈节目的影响与威力也日益增强。我国自20世纪90年代起就出现了不少优秀的访谈节目,但随着时代的变迁,访谈节目在不断发展的过程中也出现了各种各样的问题。结合我国电视节目现状的研究,我们可以发现,国内访谈类节目就节目时长格局来看,所占到的份额根本无法与电视剧、新闻、娱乐综艺这些传统主流节目相比较。相比之下,日本的电视访谈节目体系则相对成熟,不仅类型多样,其受众定位也足够明确,内容别出心裁。在日本,访谈类节目收视率往往在当地电视台所播出的各类节目中独占鳌头。 中日电视访谈节目比较研究:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_23829.html