摘 要:在公益广告蓬勃发展的二十多年里,它在社会上产生了不可替代的愈来愈大的舆论影响力。因此,深入研究和探讨公益广告的舆论引导功能,有利于引导社会成员的行为规范、道德准则、社会责任感以及价值取向等方面向良性的方向发展,从而达到促进社会和谐的目的。本文从舆论学的角度细致地对公益广告展开分析,剖析公益广告舆论引导功能的特征,指出公益广告舆论引导过程中仍然存在的比如引导力度不够,引导重心偏离,引导方式欠妥等问题,并从政府和媒介策划等方面提出解决之策。4078
Discussion on the Public Opinion Guidance Function of Public Service Advertising
Abstract: The public service advertising develops prosperous in more than 20 years, and causes increasingly greater influence on public opinion that cannot be replaced in the society. Therefore, the profound study and discussion on public opinion guidance function of public service advertising facilitates to guide the behavioral norm, moral code, sense of social responsibility, and value of social members towards benign direction and then further promote social harmony. A detailed analysis on public opinion advertising is carried out from the angle of public opinion. Through the analysis on public guidance function of public service advertising, problems in the guidance public opinion guidance process in public service advertising are pointed out, including: insufficient guidance strength, deviated guidance focus, and improper guidance means. Meanwhile, solutions are proposed from the aspects including government and media planning.
Key Words: public service advertising; public opinion guidance; positive energy
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract. 1
一、公益广告舆论引导的特征 2
(一)宣传主流思想,引导舆论的正方向 3
(二)倡导积极向善,保持舆论的健康性 3
(三)把握社会热点,增加舆论的关注度 4
(四)善用名人效应,提升舆论的影响力 4
二、当前公益广告舆论引导的方向 4
(一)贯彻政国策 5
(二)宣传民族文化 5
(三)改变生活理念 5
(四)倡导人文关怀 6
(五)凝聚公众力量 6
三、目前公益广告舆论引导过程中出现的问题 6
(一)舆论引导力度不够 7
(二)舆论引导重心偏移 7
(三)舆论引导方式欠妥 8
四、提高公益广告舆论引导水平的策略分析 8
(一)增加投放比率 8
(二)科学确定主题 8
(三)创新广告形式 9
参考文献 9,4078
所谓公益广告,潘泽宏教授给了这样一个定义:“面向社会广大公众,针对时弊和不良风尚,通过短小轻便的广告形式及其特殊的表现手法,激起公众的欣赏兴趣,进行善意的规劝和引导,匡正过失,树立新风,影响舆论,疏导社会心理,规范人们的社会行为,以文护社会道德和正常秩序,促进社会健康、和谐、有序运转,实现人与自然和谐永续发展为目的的广告宣传。” 而公益广告还有一点与其他广告区别最大,就是公益广告是不以盈利为目的的广告。 公益广告的舆论社会引导功能+论文摘要+问题策略:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_573.html