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时间:2023-01-17 14:36来源:英语论文
The students discuss a topic as a class; the teacher may interview occasionally。 7。Inpidual work Students work on themselves after a task was given; the teacher walks around monitoring where neces

The students discuss a topic as a class; the teacher may interview occasionally。

7。Inpidual work Students work on themselves after a task was given; the teacher walks around monitoring where necessary。

8。Collaboration Students do the same classification of tasks as in ‘inpidual work’, but work together。 Each pair of students tries to achieve the best results。

9。Group work Students work in small groups on topics that entail interaction。

10。Self-access Students choose their own learning tasks, and do the self-study。

2。3 The Previous Relevant Researches about Interactive Classroom

The study of English interactive classroom teaching has been paid much attention of the domestic and foreign scholars。 The scholars has analyzed the English interactive classroom teaching from different points of view and put forward many conductive and significant theories。

Allen (1986) thinks that teacher’s attitude has a very important influence on the implementation effect of English interactive classroom teaching。 And he comes up with four kinds of attitude: teachers’ teaching enthusiasm, teachers’ careful classroom teaching, teachers’ indirect effect and the kind attitude to students。 The devotion of the teacher’s emotion is a great important factor to become an outstanding teacher。 A good teacher should love his or her teaching course and have full enthusiasm for his or her job。 Only in this way can the teacher be engaged in teaching work actively。 A good teacher is just like a racing driver who can put himself into the students and classroom teaching as a whole。 And there are three aspects for the devotion of teacher’s emotion: responsibility for students, being a model for students and constant self-improvement and friendly relationship between students and teachers。

Ellis (1997) points out that the so-called interaction refers to the participants with a similar need and equal position who try to understand what happened to others’ activities。 He believes that if the role of relations is asymmetric, the negotiation of meaning will be suppressed。 In addition, the influencing factors of interaction consist of the nature of the task, participants and the characteristics of the structure。 Therefore, the language is derived through the interaction and negotiation of meaning。

Xu jinfen and Cao zhongkai (2010:51-59) indicated that their results about the research methodology on classroom interaction in China after studying articles published in seven major magazines of foreign language。 They also found that almost all the researches have been focused on classroom interaction theory。 “It was not until 2007 that empirical studies gradually began to appear。 The true reflection and the firsthand material about classroom interaction ultimately depend on classroom observation, recording and other means so that the characteristics and process of interaction can be known clearly”。 Therefore, researchers should explore and find the right way for the interactive English classroom。

2。4 Principles of Lead-in in Interactive English Classroom Teaching 来.自^优+尔-论,文:网www.youerw.com +QQ752018766-

Grice’s (1975) concept of the Cooperative Principle is considered as a major contribution to the pragmatics, which consists of four maxims of quantity, quality, relation, and manner。 The maxim of quantity means that the contribution should be made as informative as required。 In other words, the speaker should concern the amount of information to be conveyed。 The maxim of quality is focus on the correctness of the contribution。 The maxim of relation mainly refers to the relativity of the contribution。 The maxim of manner means making the contribution briefly, orderly, and avoiding ambiguity。  论互动式导入在英语课堂教学中的应用(4):http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_124605.html
