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时间:2018-04-28 09:14来源:英语论文
On the Views of Fate in Greek Tragedy英文论文论古希腊悲剧中的命运观

AbstractWhen confronting with unaccountable and uncontrollable things of the nature and life, ancient Greeks would consider that a certain kind of intangible force, which is what is called “fate”. Aeschylus believed human is helpless to change fate, which manipulates everything; Sophocles thought human can’t get rid of fate thought they can fight against fate; Euripides regarded that human can control their own fate. The reasons for the views on fate of ancient Grecians are geographical conditions, religious belief, and political system. Although the views on fate are developing with the progress of society, it is still meaningful to study on the views of fate in Greek tragedy. It teaches us to face the hardships in life bravely, and appreciate the dignity and value of human.
 Key words: ancient Greek tragedy; views on fate; evolution; reasons
摘 要    i
Abstract    ii
I. Introduction    iii
II. Representative Works of Three Tragic Poets    iv
2.1 Aeschylus’s Prometheus Bound    iv
2.2 Sophocles’s Oedipus Rex    v
2.3 Euripides’s Medea    vi
III. View on Fate in Greek Tragedy    vii
3.1 Aeschylus’s View on Fate    vii
3.2 Sophocles’s View on Fate    ix
3.3 Euripides’s View on Fate    x
IV. Reasons for the Evolution of View on Fate    xi
4.1 Geographical Conditions    xi
4.2 Religious Belief    xii
4.3 Political System    xii
V. Conclusion    xv
Bibliography    xvi
Acknowledgments    xvii
On the Views of Fate in Greek Tragedy

I. Introduction

Tragedy is the unique achievement of Ancient Grecians. And it showed the concern about the meaning of existence and confuses facing the complex situations. At first, they could not find a satisfactory answer to explain the phenomenon in the world and they kept trying to explore the mystery of the universe. However, there existed intangible power beyond their knowledge. That was fate, mysterious and powerful. It manipulated everything. But Grecians struggled and fight against fate instead of accepting it. What is disappointment that the results of the dramas still stay the same. However,we need to pay more attention to the lofty heroic spirit instead of sense of sadness. And we can gain more courage to believe our own life will be wonderful.
This paper consists of five parts, including introduction, body and conclusion. The first part of the body will present three masterpieces of three poets. They are Aeschylus’s Prometheus Bound, Sophocles’s Oedipus Rex and Euripides’s Medea. This paper will briefly tell the plots of the dramas, so the reader will have a clear impression of the main characters. The second part of the body will focus on the view on fate in Greek tragedy. We can get the conclusions by analyzing the texts. Aeschylus believed that fate is powerful and it controls both man and god; Sophocles thought fate is evil and it is doubtable; and Euripides regarded that fate is in our own hand, we can choose our life. The third part will try to explain the reasons for the evolution of view on fate. It will be discussed in three respects, which are geographical conditions, religious belief, and political system. 英文论文论古希腊悲剧中的命运观:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_14324.html