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时间:2023-03-09 21:47来源:英语论文
Interpretation of Thomas Harris’ Hannibal Rising from the Perspective of Jung’s Analytical Psychology,英语论文荣格分析心理学视野下解析托马斯•哈里斯小说《汉尼拔崛起》



毕业论文关键词  汉尼拔崛起 荣格 分析心理学 童年创伤 负罪感

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title    Interpretation of Thomas Harris’ Hannibal Rising from the Perspective of Jung’s Analytical Psychology     

Abstract  Thomas Harris, an American novelist, screenwriter and playwright, is well known for his works of suspense and thrill。 The cannibal Hannibal Lector is the most famous character in Harris’ works。 This thesis endeavors to interpret three psychological factors in Hannibal’s psychological growth in Harris’ novel, Hannibal Rising, by the application of Jung’s analytical psychology。 The first factor is complex。 Hannibal’s cannibalism complex origins from his feeling of guilty which caused by his childhood trauma。 And Hannibal’s early loss of mother results in his approximate mother complex to Lady Murasaki。 The next part concentrates on three archetypes。 Persona helps Hannibal pretend to be a normal teenager and conceal his desire of revenge。 Because of Shadow’s effect, Hannibal sees the murderers who killed his sister as the incarnation of evil which should be eliminated。 The archetype of Anima makes Hannibal finds his common feature with Lady Murasaki, being bloodthirsty。 The third part is an analysis of Hannibal’s introvert psychological type which makes Hannibal good at concealing his true emotions and using revenge to end his feeling of guilt。 All of these factors lead him to be a bloodthirsty revenger。

This thesis analyzes the influencing factor to human’s psychological changes in the background of wars and lack of civilization, in order to help readers understand the novels of Thomas Harris from different and deep-seated angles。 

Keywords Hannibal Rising, Jung, analytical psychology, childhood trauma, guilt

Table of Contents

1 Introduction 1源-于,优Y尔E论W文.网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ752018`766

1。1 Thomas Harris and Hannibal Rising 1

1。2 Literature Review 2

1。3   Theoretical Perspectives 4

1。4   Thesis Structure 5

2 Hannibal's Complexes 6

2。1 Hannibal's Cannibalism Complex 7

2。3   Hannibal's Approximate Mother Complex 荣格分析心理学视野下解析托马斯•哈里斯小说《汉尼拔崛起》:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_146243.html
