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时间:2023-03-29 22:23来源:英语论文
The Application of Chant in English Teaching in Primary Schools,英语论文英语歌谣在小学英语教学中的应用

摘要对于小学英语教学来说,英语歌谣,和英语歌曲,游戏以及其它一些教学方法一样,已经成为了一种频繁应用于小学英语课堂的教学手段,以用于保持学生对英语的好奇心和唤起学生对学习英语的兴趣。 本文以前人的相关研究以及歌谣应用相关理论为基础,通过访谈、问卷和课堂观察等实践,探讨了英语歌谣应用于小学课堂的各方面现状,发现了歌谣教学对小学英语教学的正向促进作用以及其中存在的诸如教师对英语歌谣认知不足、英语歌谣在课堂上应用不当以及学生对英语歌谣掌握情况不理想等问题,又针对存在的这些问题对英语教师、学校和教育局提出了各自的几点建议,希望可以为促成英语歌谣更加高效的应用献上微薄之力。88091

毕业论文关键词:歌谣;英语教学;英语课堂;小学;应用源-于,优W尔Y论L文.网wwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766

The Application of Chant in English Teaching in Primary Schools

Abstract   For English teaching in primary schools, English chants, together with English songs, games and so on, have become such teaching methods as frequently applied to English classes to maintain students’ curiosity of English and also arouse students’ interest in learning English。 Based on the previous research and related theories and by the means of interviews, questionnaire and teaching observation, this thesis is aimed at exploring more about the present situation of the application of chants in English classes in primary schools as well as drawing a conclusion about the positive effects of chants and also the problems that exist。such as teachers’ insufficient recognition of chants, deficient and comprehensive implementation of chants in English classes and students’ unsatisfactory command of chants。 According to the problems, this paper thus puts forward the advice for English teachers, schools and the Education Bureau for more effective application of chants 。

Key words: Chants; English teaching; English classes; primary schools; application

Contents From~优E尔L论E文W网wWw.YoUeRw.com 加QQ7520.18766

Chapter Ⅰ Introduction 1

Chapter Ⅱ Literature Review 2

    2。1 Chant 2

2。1。1 Definition 2

2。1。2 Characters of chant 2

    2。2 Related theories 3

2。2。1 Musical domain 3

2。2。2 Cognitive domain 4

2。2。3 Psychological domain 4

    2。3 Related studies 5

Chapter Ⅲ Methodology 7

    3。1 Research questions 7

    3。2 Research design 7

3。2。1 Questionnaire 7

3。2。2 Classroom observation 7

3。2。3 Interviews with teachers 7

3。2。4 Research subject 8

Chapter Ⅳ Data analysis 8

    4。1 The analysis of the data from the questionnaire 8

4。1。1 Teachers’ basic information 9

4。1。2 Present conditions of applying chants 10

4。1。3 Teachers’ attitudes towards the application of chants 英语歌谣在小学英语教学中的应用:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_154041.html
