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时间:2023-06-22 10:51来源:英语论文
The Hermit Thoughts in Walden,英语论文瓦尔登湖中的隐士情怀Walden is a book written by Thoreau during his resignation near the Walden Pond. In this book

The Hermit Thoughts in Walden Abstract Walden is a book written by Thoreau during his resignation near the Walden Pond。 In this book, he shows us the splendid scenery of the nature and records his life, the changes of his mind, his thoughts about nature, human beings and society。 Since it is read by many Chinese, and connected with Chinese traditional philosophy Taoism, we can find the similarities and differences between Thoreau’s life near Walden Pond and Chinese hermits’ life。 That really attracts many people to study。 This paper will find the evidence from eastern and western literature to make a comparison between them, and find the general characters between two of them, especially in the aspects of their seclusion, attitude towards life and the whole world。 More important, also try to find the development of Thoreau’s thoughts towards life in order to help people lead a better life。  89201

Keywords:Thoreau;   Walden;  Taoism;   hermits;  life;  nature

瓦尔登湖中的隐士情怀源Y于U优I尔O论P文W网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201-8766

摘  要瓦尔登湖一书是梭罗在隐居瓦尔登湖畔时所写。书中,梭罗向我们展示了瓦尔登湖畔美不胜收的风景,同时也记录了他在隐居时生活的点滴。包括他隐居期间思想态度的各种转变,以及他对自然、对人类、对社会的深刻思考。当该书进入许多中国学者的视线时,人们惊讶地发现,其中蕴含的思想竟与中国道家哲学有着千丝万缕的联系。我们可以毫不费力地发现梭罗隐居时所带着的中国古代的“隐士气”。这也引起了国内外众多学者的好奇和研究。本文将结合中西方众多相关文献,对二者进行比较,从而发现《瓦尔登湖》与中国古代道家隐士思想的共通性,尤其是二者在隐居,以及对人生及世界的看法上的共性。更重要的是,尝试发现梭罗对隐士思想做出的进一步提升来指导人们如何更好地去生活。

毕业论文关键词:梭罗; 瓦尔登湖; 道家; 隐士; 生活; 自然


1。 Introduction 1

1。1 Research Background 1

1。2 Research Situation 2

2。 Transcendentalism来自优Q尔W论E文R网wWw.YouERw.com 加QQ75201.8766 and Taoism 6

2。1 Thoreau and Walden Lake 6

2。2 Transcendentalism 6

    2。3 Taoism and Hermit7

        2。3。1 The Definition and Relationship of Taoism and Hermit。7

        2。3。2 The Development of Taoism and Hermit7

    2。4 Thoreau and Chinese Culture。。8

3。 Being a Hermit in Walden。。10

3。1 A Brief Introduction of Thoreau’s Seclusion Life。10

3。2 The Similarities Between Thoreau and Chinese Hermits。。10

    3。3 The Development of "Hermit" Thought in Walden。。15

    3。4 The Enlightenment to Our Life17

        3。4。1 Finding the True Meaning of Life17

        3。4。2 Thoreau’s Thoughts in Walden Can Lead a Better Life17

4。 Conclusion。。18


1。 Introduction

1。1 Research Background 

Thoreau(1817-1862) was born David Henry Thoreau on July 12, 1817 in his grandmother’s house on Virginia Road in Concord, Massachusetts。 

He was one of the major authors of American Transcendentalism, lecturer, naturalist, student of Native American artifacts and life, land surveyor, pencil-maker, active opponent of slavery, social critic。论文网 瓦尔登湖中的隐士情怀:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_179347.html
