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时间:2018-10-14 21:49来源:英语论文
Investigation into the Word Power Section Teaching of Advance with English for Senior High School Students英语论文高中生英语词汇量分阶段教学初探

Abstract English Curriculum Standard for Chinese Average Senior High Schools(2003) issued by the Ministry of Education of China defines the requirements of English teaching in senior high schools. And since 2005, based on the New Standard,  Advance with English published by Yilin Press has been widely used in Jiangsu. Compared with the textbooks of junior schools, an obvious change of Advance with English is the addition of a new section— Word Power section. However, after ten years, whether the aim of the Word Power section has been reached is unknown.29054
    Therefore, in order to investigate the current situation and existing problems of the Word Power section teaching, 200 questionnaires are handed out in two schools. And nine teachers are chosen so that the author can observe how teachers deal with the section and how students act in class. Through questionnaires and case study, the thesis manages to solve the following three questions. Firstly, what are students’ and teachers’ attitudes to the Word Power section? Secondly, what teaching methods are used in the Word Power section? Thirdly, what problems do students meet when learning the Word Power section?
According to the results of the investigation and analysis, it is not very difficult for senior high school students to learn the Word Power section. However, both teachers and students have not realized the importance of the Word Power section. Influenced by the exam-oriented education system, the teaching time is limited and the teaching method is mainly traditional vocabulary teaching. In order to solve the problems, students have to understand the purpose and importance of the Word Power section. Besides, teachers should spend more time on this section and organize more activities or set up a certain circumstance with the help of multimedia. What’s more, as for editors of Advance with English, the designing of the Word Power section should be improved.
Key Words:   Advance with English      Word Power section
               senior high school students        investigation  
摘要国家教育部于2003年颁布了《普通高中英语课程标准》,明确提出了高中英语教学的标准。根据新课标要求,从2005年起,江苏省普遍采用译林版《牛津高中英语》作为统一教材。与初中教材相比,其中一个明显变化就是新增的Word Power板块。然而,10年后,Word Power板块的设计目标是否达到却不得而知。
因此,本研究的目的是为了解Word Power板块的实际教学情况及存在的问题,笔者发放了200份调查问卷,并选取了9名教师进行课堂观察,进而了解到教师在实践中是如何处理Word Power板块的以及学生在课堂上的反应。通过调查问卷以及课堂观察的方式,本论文旨在解决以下三个问题:一是学生和老师对于Word Power板块的态度是怎么样的?二是对于Word Power板块,教师主要采用什么教学方式?三是学生在学习Word Power板块时有什么问题?
调查分析的结果显示,《牛津高中英语》Word Power板块的总体难度是符合高中生的。但是,学生和老师却都还未意识到Word Power板块的重要性。受应试教育的影响,教学时间受限,教学方式仍以传统词汇教学方法为主。为解决这些问题,首先,学生应了解Word Power板块的目的及重要性。其次,教师应在该板块花费更多时间,组织更多的活动,或运用多媒体创设更多的情景来进行教学。最后,《牛津高中英语》的编者应进一步完善教科书的编排设计。
关键词: 《牛津高中英语》     Word Power板块     高中生
Abstract    i 高中生英语词汇量分阶段教学初探:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_24135.html