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时间:2019-01-04 19:30来源:英语论文
毕业论文 关键词:字幕 关联 策略 Contents Abstract i 摘 要 iii Contents iv Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Literature Review 1 1.2 Thesis Structure 5 Chapter2 The Features of the Subtitle

毕业论文关键词:字幕     关联     策略
Abstract    i
摘  要    iii
Contents    iv
Chapter 1 Introduction    1
1.1 Literature Review    1
1.2 Thesis Structure    5
Chapter2 The Features of the Subtitle Translation    6
2.1 Popularity    6
2.2 Immediacy    7
2.3 Integrity    8
Chapter 3 Processing Efforts and Subtitle Translation    9
3.1 Literal Translation and Free Translation    9
3.2 The Strategy of Deduction    11
3.3 Domestication and Foreignization    11
Chapter 4 Conclusion    13
References    15
On Subtitle Translation from the Perspective of Relevance Theory —— A Case Study of The Legend of 1900
Chapter 1 Introduction
The current situation of the subtitle translation is not satisfactory and the studies of it are insufficient. The lack of guidelines leads to the low-quality subtitle translation. Almost every translator has his or her own translation principles and they prefer one particular translation strategy. This inadequacy in the previous studies on the translation theory to guide translation strategy in subtitle translation motivates the author of this thesis to conduct a further study on this topic.
1.1 Literature Review
Many scholars have offered their opinions about the subtitle translation strategies, skills and principles.
According to Zhang (1998, p.50), film and television differ from literary works such as novels in that film and television is also an art of frames and sound. And he holds the view that “it seems that subtitle translation should follow the principle of free translation and trying to keep the original taste as well, considering the features of film language” (Zhang, 1998, p.53) . Five differences between film translation and literature translation are also mentioned, namely, “the limitation of words, limitation of performers’ actions (gestures), the personality of film languages, the cultural elements and the translation of puns”. (Zhang, 1998, pp.50-53) At the same time, some translation skills are summarized with examples according to the five differences. 关联理论《海上钢琴师》中字幕翻译策略(2):http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_28653.html