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时间:2017-02-13 21:25来源:英语论文
等效理论框架下的中国菜肴英译研究On Chinese Cuisine Translation Under the Framework The Equivalent Effect Theory

关键词  中国菜肴名称   文化   翻译   等效理论
毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要    
Title  On Chinese Cuisine Translation Under the Framework
The Equivalent Effect Theory  
Dieting in China is an important matter for foreign friends. However, different dieting habits, culinary arts and the unique Chinese catering culture often lead foreigners into awkwardness and misconception. Therefore, good and appropriate translation of Chinese dishes plays a prominent role on menus and on occasions concerning dining. This paper proposes that the translation of Chinese dishes should be able to arouse the same feeling in foreigners’ mind as that in Chinese so as to achieve the purpose of cultural communication and avoid misunderstanding as well. The theory of “Equivalent Effect” is chosen to be the theoretical framework of this paper. This paper attempts to achieve the following goals: firstly, to improve and perfect the translation of Chinese cuisine; secondly, to provide reference to restaurants and hotels; thirdly, to promote foreigners’ understanding of Chinese dieting culture and other cultures and its long history, and lastly, to introduce Chinese food and its culture essence to the world.
Keywords   Chinese dish names   culture   translation   “Equivalent Effect”
Table of Contents
1  Introduction    1
1.1  Research Question    1
1.2  Significance and Purpose of the Study    1
1.3  Research Methodology    2
2  Literature Review    2
2.1  Studies on Equivalent Effect Theory    2
2.2  Studies on the Translation of Chinese dishes    3
3  The Theory of Equivalent Effect    3
3.1  Definition of Euivalent Effect    3
3.2  Significance of the Theory    4
3.3  Features of Equivalence    4
3.3.1  Formal Equivalence    5
3.3.2  Dynamic Equivalence    5
4  Translation of Chinese Cuisine    7
4.1  Naming Charateristics of Chinese Cuisine    7
4.2  Current Problems in Translating Chinese Cuisine    9
5  Applying Equivalent Effect Theory into the Translating of Chinese Cuisine    10
5.1  Procedure of the Application    10
  5.1.1  Translation of Cuisine Naming After Cooking Methods, Food Materials and Spices    11
5.1.2  Translation of Cuisine Namng After Major Materials and Minor Materials    12
5.1.3  ranslation of Cuisine Naming After Major Materials and Seasoning    12
5.1.4  Translation of Cuisine Naming After Materials and Kitchen Ware    12
  5.1.5  Translation of Cuisine Naming After Place names or People Names           and Materials    13 等效理论框架下的中国菜肴英译研究:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_2962.html