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时间:2019-07-16 20:16来源:英语论文
A Contrastive Study of Pun in English and Chinese Commercial Advertisements英语论文英汉商业广告双关语对比分析

摘 要双关利用多义词或同音词有意使语句具有双重或多重意义。其作为一种特殊的语言修辞,具有丰富的表现力和独特的表达效果,并经常运用在商业广告中。本文从语音双关,语义双关,语法双关和成语、俗语双关四个方面出发,对比分析双关这一修辞在英汉商业广告中的异同。通过大量的实例对比分析,可以得知在使用双关时,中文广告侧重于语音双关,而英文广告则偏爱语义双关。英汉广告双关语的对比分析可以使消费者更好地理解和欣赏商业广告,也有助于广告设计者在广告设计中获得一些灵感以制作出更好的广告。37069
Abstract A pun means taking advantage of homonyms or synonyms to make a sentence or a text contain two or more meanings. As a special language rhetoric device, it endows rich and special expressive effects and is often used in commercial advertisements. This paper attempts to discuss homophonic, semantic, grammatical and idiomatic puns used in Chinese and English advertisements. And then it will compare the differences and similarities of puns in English and Chinese advertisements. Through analyzing and comparing a great number of advertising examples, one can draw a conclusion that Chinese advertisements put emphasis on the homophonic puns while English advertisements prefer the semantic puns. Such a comparison can help consumers better understand and appreciate the huge expressiveness of advertisements and it is also beneficial to designers to gain some inspiration in the process of designing and creating better advertisements.
Key words: pun; English and Chinese advertisements; contrast
A Contrastive Study of Pun in English and Chinese Commercial Advertisements
摘 要    i
Abstract    ii
I. Introduction    1
II. An Overview of Advertisement and Pun    2
 2.1 The Definition of Advertisement    2
 2.2 The Definition of Pun    3
 2.3 The Characteristics of Pun    4
  2.3.1 Ambiguity    4
2.3.2 Humorous Effect    4
2.4 The Classification of Pun    4
Ⅲ. The Pun in Chinese and English Advertisements    5
3.1 The Pun Used in English and Chinese Advertisements    5
3.1.1 Homophonic Puns    6
3.1.2 Semantic Puns    8
3.1.3 Grammatical Puns    10
3.1.4 Idiom or Proverb Puns    10
3.2 The Effect of Pun in English and Chinese Advertisements    12
3.2.1 The Economic Effect    12
3.2.2 Publicize the Brand    13
3.2.3 Emotional Resonance    13
Ⅳ. The Differences of Pun in Both English and Chinese Advertisements    14
4.1 The Difference in Homophonic Puns    14
4.2 The Difference in Semantic Puns    15
4.3 The Difference in Idiom or Proverb Puns    16
Ⅴ. Conclusion    16
Bibliography    18
Acknowledgements    19
I. Introduction
    Nowadays, market economy has made a great progress and the advertisements are extremely swept all over the world. “Everyday people are confronted with millions of advertisements, and advertising plays an important role in our life” (Crystal and Davy 222). In order to excite customers’ purchasing desire, many producers are likely to spend time making their advertisements more attractive. Advertising makers need to produce successful commercial advertisements that lead people to accept the product, remember it deeply and buy it in the end. Advertisers use many rhetorical strategies, such as euphemism, hyperbole, irony and pun etc. The pun, as a special rhetoric of language, has rich expressiveness and fancy effects, which can express language more vividly and acquire an unexpected effect. “Pun is an outstanding form which has been widely employed in advertisements among the various rhetorical devices” (Leigh 18-33). It can attract consumers’ attention and then arouse their curiosity. No matter in Chinese or English advertisement, pun is a common phenomenon. 英汉商业广告双关语对比分析:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_35743.html