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时间:2019-09-11 19:21来源:英语论文
The Application of English Film into English Teaching,英语电影片段在初中英语教学的应用

Abstract  Taking original English film as learning materials to learn speaking, listening, words and other aspects is called “watching movies to learn English”. In the traditional English teaching, students have learned materials of book and listened to the tapes, which mastered the language structure characteristics of pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar. It is far from satisfying the development of modern education and students’ learning needs, due to the lack of opportunities to practice language. The use of English movies in English teaching arouses the students’ enthusiasm for learning , makes them acquire perfect pronunciation and expands their cultural vision of English-speaking countries. Especially, it improves the comprehensive language application ability with rich audio materials of English films. So, we should create a real situation.
Key words: English film; application; class; language context
The Application of English Film into English Teaching
摘 要.i
I. Introduction1
II.The Reason of Application of English Film to English Teaching in the Junior Middle School ..2
  2.1 More Advantages: Compare with Traditional Class2
  2.2 Solve Teaching Problem3
  2.3 Satisfying the Development of Modern Education.4
III. The Application of English Film into English Teaching.5
3.1 Providing Oral Materials for Practicing.5
3.2 Providing Cultural Content about English-speaking Countries for Learning..6
  3.3 Strengthen the Understanding of the Knowledge in Application.7
IV. Effects and Suggestions.8
4.1 Oral Practice with Interest Achieve Twice the Result with Half the Effort.8
4.2 Suggestions in Application.9
V. Conclusion10
I. Introduction

 First of all , we must talk about the current situation of English teaching in junior middle school. Some students, especially rural students, have a weak foundation in English and “duck-stuffing” type of teaching so that they cannot learning English in a good language environment. In consequence, some students produce prickliness to this course. Therefore, teachers must seek new teaching methods----The application of English film into English teaching. It not only can provide students with abundant study resources, develop new teaching way and improve the openness and flexibility of English language teaching, but only integrate the British and American thinking ways, culture, customs and language together. The ideal language environment can help students to develop language ability. For instance, English learning and speaking ability. Linguist Chomsky said, “people have an innate ability to acquire language”(WuJie 2003). Due to the lack of a good language environment, English listening comprehension and oral communication ability is poor. Original English movies provide a lot of native language for learning English. Pronunciation is perfect, language forms are various, context is real and alive. Through seeing the English movie, classic dialogue and imitation of the monologue, in vivid and visual display, students learn to speak a fluent idiomatic English. The application applies Constructivism. The theory is the further development of cognitive psychology. It stresses on giving full play to students’ initiative in the learning process, which asks students to construct knowledge in their minds by exploring and discussing in different ways. Learning the theory of constructivism holds that the process of learning is to make learners to learn knowledge actively. It is significant to guide students to learn actively in teaching class and it takes good effects for English teaching to play a series of movies. The key point is cooperative learning that keeps interaction between teachers and students. Finally, the study of application has long been with us and the focus of the study is creating a situational teaching class that students learn English to contact with the actual life. It is the most significant and indispensable part of the study. 英语电影片段在初中英语教学的应用:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_39134.html