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时间:2019-09-12 19:28来源:英语论文
As we all know, everyone has his own fate. In the whole life, there are many reasons influencing ones destiny, such as education, character, family and friends. In the movie, the director considers ch

 As we all know, everyone has his own fate. In the whole life, there are many reasons influencing one’s destiny, such as education, character, family and friends. In the movie, the director considers character as the determinant of a person’s destiny. Also, lots of famous literatures reveal this truth too. One example might be Jane Eyre of Charlotte Bronte. Another example could be Emma Bovary of Flauber’s Madame Bovary. The movie Gone with the Wind is a character movie that focuses on descripting the people’s character and fate. The author Margaret’s hometown is Atlanta. In her hometown, America Civil War has been the focus of conversation, and it filled into her life. This novel writes two clues about the relationship between Scarlett’s characteristics and fate: firstly, the relationship between characteristics and business; and secondly, the relationship between characteristics and emotion. 电影《乱世佳人》中女主人公的性格特点及形成原因(2):http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_39240.html