摘要从20世纪20年代开始,很多学者对性别差异与语言的关系进行了大量研究。本文通过描述法和对比法讨论了初中生在英语学习方面的表现,以及研究产生性别差异的因素,这些因素包括: 社会影响,学习策略,学习动机,语言学习风格和生理因素。基于这些因素,本文提出了如何利用性别差异来提高初中生英语水平的一些相应的对策。本课题的研究有助于提高目前初中英语教学质量,同时对于新课程改革的推进起到一定的促进作用。48818
Abstract Since the beginning of 1920s, many scholars have explored the relationship between gender differences and language learning and have conducted in-depth research on them. The descriptive method and contrast method are adopted in this paper. It discusses the performances in middle school students’ English learning. And it also explores aspects in gender differences caused by several factors: social affection, learning strategies, learning motivation, language style and physiological factors, based on which some strategies are raised on how to improve students’ English level efficiently. This paper contributes to the improvement of junior English teaching quality and plays an important role in promoting the reform of new curriculum.
Key words: gender differences; middle school students; English learning; effects
Study of the Effects of Gender Differences on Middle School Students’ English Learning
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
I. Introduction 1
II. The Performance of Boys and Girls in English Learning in Middle School 2
2.1 Vocabulary Learning 2
2.2 Learning Ideas 3
2.3 Students’ Behavior in English Class 4
III. The Effects of Gender Differences on English Learning in Middle School 5
3.1 Gender Differences in Social Impact 5
3.2 Gender Differences in Learning Strategies and Learning Motivation 6
3.3 Gender Differences in Learning Styles 7
3.4 Gender Differences in Physiological Factors 8
IV. Strategies Concerning Gender Differences in English Learning 9
4.1 Strategies for Social Impact 9
4.2 Strategies for Learning and Motivation 10
4.3 Strategies for Learning Styles 11
4.4 Strategies for Physiological Factors 12
V. Conclusion 13
Bibliography 15
Acknowledgements 16
I. Introduction
The study of gender difference is originated from the West. Since the beginning of 1920s, many scholars, such as anthropologists, psychologists and sociologists have been interested in the relationship between gender differences and language learning and have conducted in-depth research on them. Many studies show that the gender differences exist objectively; therefore girls occupy more obvious advantage in learning English than boys. However, there are some researchers who have found that boys are better than girls in language learning in the study of gender differences. In the Scarcella and Zimmerman’s vocabulary test, they found the boy in the vocabulary test has more advantages than girls (Scarcella and Zimmerman 45). Boys are also better than girls in reading articles without gender characteristics of the performance in the test. According to the research results, male and female students have different performances in different aspects of English learning, such as reading comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, writing, etc. ,源Z自L优尔:文,论/文]网[www.youerw.com 性别差异对初中生英语学习的影响探析:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_51545.html