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时间:2017-04-26 21:58来源:英语论文
Researches on the Strategies of Developments of Spoken-English Abilities of the Non-English Majors非英语专业学生英语口语能力培养策略探析

摘 要国内英语专业英语口语教学及能力培养已经经历了相当长的理论建立和实践时间,然而真正面对非英语专业的针对性的英语口语教学方法和实践起步较晚,针对性不足,可操作性不强,实践效果也没有达到预想的效果。本论文针对性的查找国内高校非英语专业英语口语教学和学习中的弊端和缺陷,在对比已有非英语专业口语教学方法和英语专业口语教学方法的过程中,分析包括TBLT,3P, CLT, IH等国内外英语能力及口语方法, 探析适合国内非英语专业英语口语教学的有效途径。7723
关键词:非英语专业;口语;策略 Contents
Abstract... ii
I. Introduction..1
II.Current Situation..1
  2.1 The New Times We Are Facing......1
  2.2 The Current Situation and Tasks.3
III. Teaching Theories.5
  3.1 The Theories of 3P, TBLT and CLT.. 5
3.1.1 The Theory of 3P..... 5
3.1.2 The Theory of TBLT....6
3.1.3 The Theory of CLT...6
3.1.4 The Difference among Three theories. 7
  3.2 The Theories of Input Hypothesis...8
IV.Teaching Strategies...10
  4.1 Training Students’ Interests.10
  4.2 Multimedia Teaching11
  4.3 Creating of Relaxed Class Atmosphere13
V. Conclusion...14
Acknowledgements. .16
It is a long time since we have built the theory and experienced the methods of the spoken-English teaching for internal English-majors. Though, spoken-English teaching theories for non-English majors are still to be found and experimented. Some methods our teachers used in teaching spoken-English for non-English majors are the same as the methods for the English-major students. With comparing the existing spoken-English teaching theories between English-majors and non-English majors , this paper is to find the correct practice and defects on internal college spoken-teaching classes, in this process I will discuss the spoken-English teaching theories and methods internal and external, including TBLT, 3P , CLT IH and so on , all which are designed to analysis on the proper strategies for internal spoken-English teaching for non-English majors.
Key words: non-English majors; spoken-English; strategies
Researches on the Strategies of Developments of Spoken-English Abilities of the Non-English Majors
I. Introduction
    It is a long time since we have built the theory and experienced the methods of the spoken-English teaching for internal English-majors, while the theories and experiences built for non-English majors started only in 30 years, unspecific and untargeted, undoubtedly, the results may not as effective as expected. Even in some classes, teachers put to use the theories of the spoken-English for English-majors without thinking the comprehensive ability, quantity of vocabulary and spare time between English-majors and non-English majors. With comparing the existing spoken-English teaching theories between English-majors and non-English majors, this paper is to find the corrupt practice and defects on internal college spoken-teaching classes, in this process we will discuss the spoken-English teaching theories and methods internal and external including TBLT, 3P, CLT, IH, and so on , all those are designed to the analysis on the proper theories for internal spoken-English teaching for non-English majors. The methods infers in teaching spoken-English are various, I will discuss the learners, teachers, and the universities who affect the most  in learning spoken-English.
This paper is aimed at having an better understanding of the current spoken-English methods and situations of all the non-English majors in China and based on this situation to study  ways & theories to help them to speak English smoothly and confidently. This paper and its researches will undoubtedly do great help to English majors even to the professors teaching spoken-English with undistinguished skills. 非英语专业学生英语口语能力培养策略探析:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_5787.html