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时间:2020-09-28 21:47来源:英语论文
6 3.2 Reds regained hope 7 3.3 Andys eternal hope 8 3.4 Transmission of hope 9 4 The Power of Hope 10 4.1 Hope-the salvation of freedom 10 4.2 Hope-the significance of life 11 4.3

3.2 Red’s regained hope

3.3 Andy’s eternal hope

3.4 Transmission of hope

4 The Power of Hope 10

4.1 Hope-the salvation of freedom 10

4.2 Hope-the significance of life 11

4.3 Hope-the eternal light on the road of life 12

5 Conclusion 13

Bibliography 15

1 Introduction

The Shawshank Redemption is a film which was written and directed by Frank Dalabang. It narrated an inspirational story by the simple picture, the simple principle, the beautiful dialogue and the splendid performance. The protagonist Andy is a young and an excellent banker. He was sent into the Shawshank prison, because he was wrongly accused of murdering his wife and her lover. He began a period of up to 20 years of prison life. From young to old, from innocence to false imprisonment. He had been suffered the pain of torment, but it never killed him in the pursuit of freedom of his body. The hope had always been in his heart. Finally, in a thunderstorm night, he escaped from the sewage pipe and regained the freedom. This movie has interpreted the theme of hope perfectly. From this movie, we can see the powerful forces of hope. It also inspires people that   whatever circumstances we are, we can not discard the hope, and with hope every thing is possible.源1自3优尔8.论~文'网·www.youerw.com

The Shawshank Redemption is a good inspirational movie. The success of its art and thoughts is far more valuable than its commercial value. The theme of hope is the soul of the whole film. It combines the freedom and the hope perfectly, letting us know that where there is hope, there is freedom. With the freedom, we will realize the desire of our heart. Just like the content of the letter which Andy left for Red, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies. To sum up, this is a movie that hopes to be passed on to those who need it.

 2 The Hope under the Institutionalization

No matter under what kind of circumstances, hope will always exist in some people's minds, and will not disappear. In the Shawshank prison, people can be pided into two groups, group within the institutionalization and group outside the institutionalization. Groups within the institutionalization includes the warden and guards. They are the creator of the institutionalization, executors and maintainers. The warden and the vicious guards are the devil incarnates, all of them are cruel rulers. The prisoners in the Shawshank prison are those who are outside the system. They are the subject of the system, and they are assimilated.Prisoners outside the system can be pided into four categories: Andy as a representative of the hero; Red as the representative of the elite;  Brooks as representative of the popular and the fat people who has been tortured to death on behalf of the losers. 

In Shawshank, hope is not a worthless fantasy, it is in the face of life insisted that it penetrated into the little drops of life, believe in yourself, and don't give up hope, do not give up efforts, patiently waiting for life that belongs to your own brilliancy. Andy is not only the owner of the hope under the institutionalization, but also the communicator. He is destined to be against the institution. Before he came to Shawshank, the daily life in Shawshank is nothing but to kill time. Despair, fear, chaos, filth jointly, all of them created the harsh prison conditions. The prisoner has no human rights in Shawshank. "Give your faith to God, and give me your body." Warden straightforward precepts is nothing more than the prisoners must unconditionally obey the arrangement. They should not have any illusions. However, Andy in Shawshank has his own hope at anytime, and never gives it up. Because of this hope, Andy in Shawshank fully exerted his value to get the trust and reuse of the warden, successfully bringing the feeling of freedom to his friends, even if the feeling only exists a moment(Bai, 2007). He brought the enjoyment of music for the inmates. In his unremitting efforts, the Shawshank built library, let friends taste the taste of beer.All of what he did has brought spiritual comfort to the prison inmates, brought a glimmer of hope, brought a trace of the prison where there is never a life of its own breath.  《肖申克的救赎》中“希望”主题分析(2):http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_62093.html
