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时间:2017-05-10 21:41来源:英语论文
A Study on the Translation of Business Contracts from Functionalist Approach浅析功能翻译理论在商务合同翻译中的应用

Abstract Since China put the reform and opening-up policy into effect, Chinese economy has been developed very fast. Nowadays, China does business with many other nations, in which business contracts play an important role. Hence, the quality of the translation is considered essential in protecting the benefits of contracting parties, ensuring smooth execution of the agreement, and decreasing or even avoiding legal disputes and financial losses.
This paper is focused on business contracts translation by the approach of functionalist translation
theory. Firstly, the author makes a general study on the purposes of business contracts and business contracts translation and basic rules of business contracts translation. Secondly, the paper elaborates the core theory and main principles of functionalist translation theory. Finally, translation of business contracts by the main principles of functionalist translation theory is specifically analyzed from the following three aspects lexical rules,syntactic rules and textual rules so as to help people gain a new understanding of business contracts translation.   
Key Words: business contracts translation, German Functionalist Theory, skopos
摘要 中国改革开放以来,经济发展迅猛。如今,中国同许多国家生意往来密切,在同许多国家生意往来中商务合同发挥着十分重要的作用。因此合同翻译的质量对于保护缔约双方的利益,确保顺利执行合同,减少甚至避免法律纠纷和经济损失方面有着重要的作用。8387
1 Introduction    1
2 General Study of Business Contracts Translation    4
2.1 Purposes of Business Contracts Translation    4
2.1.1 Purpose of business contracts    4
2.1.2 Purposes of business contracts translation    4
2.2 Basic Rules of Business Contracts Translation    6
2.2.1 Lexical rules in business contracts translation    6
2.2.2 Syntactic rules in business contracts translation    7
2.2.3 Textual rules in business contracts translation    8

3 Brief Introduction to Functionalist Translation Theory    9
3.1 Core Theory of Functionalist Translation Theory    9
3.2 Main Principles of Functionalist Translation Theory    9

4 Translation of Business Contracts From Functionalist Approach    11
4.1 Lexical Rules of Business Contracts Translation From Functionalist Approach    11
4.2 Syntactic Rules of Business Contracts Translation From Functionalist Approach    12
4.3 Textual Rules of Business Contracts Translation From Functionalist Approach    14
5 Conclusion    16
Bibliography    17
1 Introduction
It has been more than 30 years since China put the reform and opening-up policy into effect. During this period, Chinese economy has been developed very fast. In 2001, China entered WTO, which meant that Chinese economy would be an inseparable part of the world economy. Nowadays, China does business with many foreign nations, in which business contracts play an important role. The contract defines the obligations and rights of the parties. Especially in business, time is money. Therefore, it seems more and more important to translate the contract more effectively and correctly. Moreover, the quality of the translation is thus considered essential in protecting the benefits of the contracting parties, ensuring smooth execution of the agreement, upholding market order, promoting international business, and decreasing or even avoiding legal disputes and financial losses. 浅析功能翻译理论在商务合同翻译中的应用:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_6722.html