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时间:2021-08-15 20:28来源:英语论文
Translation of the University’s English Website from Skopotheori,英语论文目的论视角下的高校网站英译

Abstract Based on Skopostheorie , this paper makes an in-depth analysis of functional, cultural and linguistic translation errors in the English versions of the website of  from the perspective of intentionality of translation , in comparison to some parallel texts. Skopotheorie, put forward by German Functionalist School,offers a new perspective for translation studies. Errors appearing in the ’s English website are mainly due to unawareness of the translation Skopos and modify methods will be introduced following to improve the translation quality and the image of the university.70925

Keywords: skopotheorie; website translation; translation errors

摘要德国功能学派的翻译目的论为翻译研究开启了全新的视角。本文以翻译目的论的原 理为理论框架,从翻译的目的性出发,并参考译语文化中的平行文本,分析英文网 站中存在的功能性、文化性以及语言性翻译失误的现象,产生这些失误的根源在于译者 缺少翻译的目的意识,并提出修改意见以提高翻译质量提升学校形象。



1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 1

2.1 Studies on website translation 1

2.2 Survey of ’s English website 2

3. Theoretical Framework 3

3.1 Skopotheorie 3

3.2 Skopotheorie’s role in English websites translation 5

4. Analysis of ’s English Website Translation from Skopotheorie 7

4.1 Research on ’s English Website according with Skopotheorie 7

4.2 Problems with ’s English Website Translation from Skopotheorie 11

4.3 Suggestions to ’s English website translation 13

5. Conclusion 15

Works cited 16

1. Introduction

This paper intends to investigate the acceptability of ’s English website from the view of Skopotheorie. English website is to face with the foreign audience to provide information, fully displaying the teaching achievement and promoting learning, cooperation and exchanges to enhance the image of the University. Internet has greatly changed the way of social contact, and increasingly become the most important information media. With the increase of international communication and cooperation in universities, so as the need for external propaganda, the websites of Chinese universities are mostly made of bilingual. However, the survey found that most English websites in the Chinese universities are not only hydteretic in the content but also exist translation problems, making the readers’ misunderstanding and destroying propaganda effect. Skopotheorie put forward by German Functionalist School offers a new perspective for translation studies. In this paper, the writer will study on website translation and ’s English website, then look up to Skopotheorie and research the role it plays in guiding website translation. Finally I will propose some suggestions to ’s website translation which aims to improve the quality of translation and the image of our school, resulting in better international communication and cooperation. 目的论视角下的高校网站英译:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_80414.html
