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时间:2017-06-04 15:02来源:英语论文
初中英语词汇教学方法研究On English Vocabulary Teaching Methods in Middle Schools

随着经济全球化和社会现代化的发展,英语已经在世界范围内被广泛应用。在中国的各级各类学校,英语成为了必修课。而被看做是英语学习基石和信息载体的词汇越来越受到重视。然而, 初中词汇教学所收到的效果不尽人意。因此,笔者试图把词汇教学的相关理论与实际教学结合起来,根据英语词汇拼读特征、构词特征、意义特征、文化特征和不同语境等方面, 探索一些切实可行的初中英语词汇教学方法。关键词:初中英语;词汇教学; 教学方法9634
摘 要i
I. Introduction....1
II. The Features of English Vocabulary....2
  2.1 Features of Vocabulary in Pronunciation and Spelling…………..2
  2.2 Features of Vocabulary in Word-Formation.…..3
  2.3 The Major Meanings of English Vocabulary………....………………4
III. Various Methods of Vocabulary Teaching in Middle Schools...7
  3.1 Teaching Vocabulary According to Pronunciation and Spelling..7
  3.2 Teaching Vocabulary According to the Regularities of Word-Formation.9
  3.3 Teaching Vocabulary According to Semantic Features …...9
  3.4 Teaching Vocabulary According to Distinctive Cultures……....10
  3.5 Teaching Vocabulary in Different Contexts…...…………………….….10
IV. Conclusion    ..13
Bibliography    14
Acknowledgements    ....15
摘 要Abstract
With the development of globalization and modernization, English has been used in a much larger range all over the world. Now English is required to be learned at all stages of school education in China. Vocabulary, regarded as a foundation of English learning and the carrier of information, is receiving more and more attention. Nevertheless, the efficiency of vocabulary teaching at middle schools is not satisfactory. Therefore, the author in this paper puts some related theories into teaching practice to formulate the relatively practical middle school vocabulary teaching methods according to the characteristics in spelling and pronunciation, word-formation, semantic features,distinctive culture and different contexts.
Key words: middle school English; vocabulary teaching; teaching methods
 On English Vocabulary Teaching Methods in Middle Schools
I. Introduction
Vocabulary is the essential carrier of language information, it is the most active and vibrant element in a language system. Without vocabulary, phonetics can not function, neither can grammar. No words, no knowledge, thereby no listening, no speaking, no reading or writing. Of course there’s no teaching efficiency at all. It is a basic part of languages. Linguist Wilkins(1972) said, “Without grammar very little can be conveyed; without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.”( Wilkins 18) Vocabulary directly confines the development of the learner’s language skills. Without a certain amount of word accumulation, one can not use language freely. Vocabulary teaching is an indispensable component in teaching a language.
Nevertheless, the efficiency of vocabulary teaching at middle schools is not satisfactory. Problems like how to present vocabulary to students systematically, how to ensure students master the basic characteristics and regularities of vocabulary and how to improve the efficiency of vocabulary teaching in class, etc. remain to be unsettled.  As to these problems, many English educators and linguists have been dedicated their efforts to them. Bai Jiehong(2000), a famous educator in Hunan Normal University, wrote a paper named Context and Meaning, which indicates vocabulary teaching can be based on context and meaning; Wang Rongpei and Lu Xiaojuan (1998) discovered a clue for vocabulary teaching from word-formation. Some other linguists also have made great contributions. Jean Aitchison wrote a book titled Words in the Mind——An Introduction to the Mental Lexicon in 1987. The book discussed the structure and content of the human word-store or mental lexicon. Mind deals with words in the ways by which people learn, remember and understand them, and find the ones they want. Rod Ellis in his book Understanding Second Language Acquisition made a general analysis of the second language acquisition for human beings. Many of these findings are very useful, and a relatively satisfactory result has been achieved. In this paper, the author strives to combine the relative theories to practical vocabulary teaching, hoping to find an effective way to teach English vocabulary. The author finds that some common features of English vocabulary may be of great help. 初中英语词汇教学方法研究:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_8429.html