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时间:2021-11-21 20:21来源:英语论文
A Study of Sister Carrie From the Feminist Perspective,英语论文从女性主义视角浅谈嘉莉妹妹

A Study of Sister Carrie From the Feminist Perspective Abstract Theodore Dreiser is an outstanding representative of American naturalism。 It is in his works that American naturalism is said to have come of age。 His novels often feature main characters who succeeded at their objectives despite a lack of a firm moral code, and literary situations that more closely resemble studies of nature than tales of choice and agency。 Sister Carrie is one of his most famous books。 My study on this novel consists of three parts: Chapter 1 takes the view from "Carrie as a new woman" to point out her advancement by comparing her with the traditional family-oriented women-- Minnie and Julia。 Chapter two takes the view from "Carrie as the second sex" to demonstrate that though not constrained by marriage, she still relied on men to live all the time, pointing out the weak side of the her unconventional female life。 Chapter three takes the view from "Carrie as a mere human" to illustrate that what Carrie did was just trying every effort to satisfy her needs which any human beings would do, conforming to Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs theory。 This thesis tries to tell people that women are more human beings than just being women。 And anyone who tries to understand and judge women can't just do it from the feminist perspective, but also from the human's view。74671

Key words: feminism; a new woman; the second sex; a mere human


摘    要西奥多•德莱塞被认为是美国最伟大的自然zhuyi者之一,是他使美国文学迎来了自然zhuyi时代。他的小说通常都有一个不顾道德约束最终走向成功的主人公,文学情景也像是在研究自然而非充满机遇和挑战的人,嘉莉妹妹就是其中一本有代表性的作品。我的论文研究的就是这本书,主要分为3个部分:第一部分主要通过对比嘉莉和小说中的其他女性(敏妮和朱莉)来展现她作为一名20世纪初女性的先进性---她不为家庭所束缚。论文的第二部分则通过分析嘉莉的整个生活(主要是和杜洛埃在一起),她虽未结婚,却依然依靠男性提供经济来源,指出她还是没有彻底摆脱家庭束缚,仍然以第二性的身份生活着。在第三部分,我首先指出,女人成为女人的首要前提是人,既然是人,那么女人和男人一样,也是有需求的,于是我借助马斯洛的需求层次理论在解析嘉莉3次主要人生转变,指出每一次改变都使她的需求更多地得到满足,于是她的这种选择在我看来是理所应当,即使是男性,如果有这种机会和条件,也有可能这样选择,所以我们没有过多的理由去指责嘉莉。



1。 Carrie as a New Woman 1

1。1。 Minnie’s Poor Life 1

1。2。 Julia’s Boring Life 2

2。 Carrie as the Second Sex 5

2。1。 Carrie’s Unparalleled Beauty 5

2。2。 Carrie’s Illegal Relations 6

2。3。 Carrie’s Talented Skill 7

3。 Carrie as a Mere Human 9

3。1。 Three Needs 9

3。2。 Four Needs 10

3。3。 Five Needs 10

4。 Conclusion 12

References 13

1。 Carrie as a New Woman 从女性主义视角浅谈嘉莉妹妹:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_85327.html
