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时间:2022-07-24 14:36来源:英语论文
2。3 Audiolingual Method The Audiolingual Method is the result of combination of structural linguistic theory, contrastive analysis, aural-oral procedures and behaviorist psychology。 Language is re

2。3 Audiolingual Method

The Audiolingual Method is the result of combination of structural linguistic theory, contrastive analysis, aural-oral procedures and behaviorist psychology。 Language is regarded as a system of structurally relevant elements for the encoding of meaning and the ingredients are phonemes, morphemes, words, structures, and sentence types。 Learning a language, it is assumed, needs mastering the elements or building blocks of the language and learning the rules and constructing system of knowledge。 The structure is what is significant and unique about a language, so early practice should pay more attention to mastery of phonological and grammatical structures。 Dialogues and drills are the basis of audiolingual practice。 When a dialogue has been showed and memorized, typical grammatical patterns in dialogues are chosen and gradually become the center of various kinds of drills and pattern-practice exercises。

2。4 Communicative Language Teaching Method

Since the mid-1970s the range of Communicative Language Teaching has enlarged。 For some linguists and language teaching specialists, Communicative Language Teaching means little more than an integration of grammatical and functional teaching。 Littlewood states that one of the most characteristic features of communicative language teaching is that it pays systematic attention to functional as well as structural aspects of language。 In Gardner Miller’s view, a person who acquires communicative competence acquires first both knowledge and ability for language use with respect to whether or to what degree something is formally possible。

III。 Flipped Classroom

3。1 Definition

Flipping the classroom is a hot topic in the last several years。 In fact, flipping the classroom implies that students increase first reveal to new material after class through reading or lecture videos and then make use of class time to do harder task of assimilating knowledge through problem-solving, discussion, or debates。 

According to Bloom’s amended taxonomy, it implies that students are trying to do the lower levels of cognitive work (obtaining knowledge and understanding) outside of class and emphasizing the higher levels of cognitive work (assessment, application, analysis, and synthesis) in class in which they gain the support of peers and instructors。 This model is opposite to the traditional model where “first exposure” happens through lectures in class with students assimilating knowledge after finishing homework; thus the term “flipped classroom”。 

The flipped classroom approach has been employed for many years in some disciplines, especially within the humanities。 Yalden advanced the employ of this approach in book Effective Grading (Yalden 34)。 He put forward a model where students increase first-exposure learning anterior to class and pay attention to the processing of learning in class which includes assessing, synthesizing, assessing and problem-solving, etc。 in class。

To make sure that students do the prior preparation required for productive class time, Walvoord and Anderson put forward an assignment-based model where students engender work anterior to class。 The students accept productive feedback via the processing activities that happen during class, decreasing needs for instructors to offer extensive written feedback on the students’ work。 Anderson represent examples of how the approach has been put into effect in history, physics, biology, and geography classes, suggesting its broad applicability。 文献综述

3。2 Theoretical Basis

How People Learn, the important work from Skehan, represents three significant findings about learning, two of which contribute to making explanation the success of the flipped classroom。 Skehan and his colleagues hold that “to develop ability in an area of question, students must: a) have a firm foundation of factual knowledge, b) comprehend facts and ideas in the language environment of a conceptual framework, and c) construct knowledge in ways that promote retrieval and application”。  翻转课堂在初中英语语法教学中的应用(3):http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_96958.html
