The directing public signs play the role of guidance and direction to the public, mostly used in public places to provide information to the public, representing good service in information provision without any restriction or forceful requirement。 Therefore, the application of words here usually have no forceful requirement to the public for not to do something, such as: Filling Station 加油站; Lost and Found 失物招领处; Mechanical Help 车辆修理; Way Out 出口; Baggage Claim Area 行李提取区; Baby Change 婴儿换巾处; Pet Hotel 宠物旅馆; Underground 地铁; Fighting Room 试衣间; Duty Free 免税店; Fresh Produce 新鲜果蔬; Ticket Machines 售票机; 全自动门 Automatic Door。 来;自]优Y尔E论L文W网www.youerw.com +QQ752018766-
The aim of promoting public signs is making the public pay attention to the instructions what is indicating。 It does not require the public to be certain to take action。 It has only guiding significance。 Such as: Water Polluted 水已污染; Wet Paint 油漆未干; Emergency Exit Only 紧急出口; Explosive 易爆物品; Beware of Dog 当心犬只; Road Up。 Detour 马路施工,请绕行; Sold Out 售完; Cable Buried Below 此处埋有电缆; Beijing 80 KM 距北京80公里; Bus Board Here 公共汽车停靠处; Caution Electric 池内有电器,入内危险。
The restriction of public signs refers to the limitations or constraints to the relevant public behavior。 Its language application is directly, but will not let people feel rough, rude and unreasonable, such as: Keep Parks Clean 保持园内清洁; Passengers Only 送客止步; This is a smoke free store 无烟商场; Please open the door slowly 慢开; 20 Min Parking 停车限制20分; Cash Only Please 请用现金; Room Only 只住宿; Fire Hose, Authorized Personal Only 消防水带,闲人勿动; No Strollers 闲人免进; No Shouting 请勿呼喊。