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时间:2023-11-07 22:42来源:毕业论文



Abstract:With the continuous progress of society, Western restaurants into the Chinese market to meet the different needs of Chinese people。 Theme restaurant is also used in this premise and born, both the space of the personalized and space of the particularity, attracting diners。 The case of "rosemary" Western restaurant space design points are through the hard material and soft suit with the color, so that each space can have their own characteristics and harmonious unity。 To create a primitive ecological wind and modern climate integration of the space atmosphere, in addition to the layout of the hard, but also rely on soft design to improve the space with the design, and the theme echoes。 The design of the main use of the design elements are rosemary, flowers and other natural elements to embellish the space。 Design difficulties how to break through the traditional Western restaurant style, breaking the routine, so that harmony and unity of space。源G于J优L尔V论N文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766

Keywords:Rosemary  ,Dining space  , Costume Design


前言 01

1背景介绍 01

1。1地理环境条件分析 01

2设计方案概述 01

2。1风格定位 01

2。2设计构思 01

3设计重难点 02

3。1重点 02

3。2难点 02

4方案概述之空间与色彩的呼应 02

5设计内容 02

5。1功能划分 02

5。2空间软装设计 03

6创新与不足 08

结论 09

参考文献 10

致谢 11

本案效果图 12

整套作品完成稿 13



1背景介绍来自优I尔Y论S文C网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520~18766

当今社会人们基本解决了温饱的问题,对生活有了新的要求,那就是生活品质。生活品质的提升来源于衣食住行。食就离不开餐厅,而西餐厅越来越受到年轻人的青睐。社会上有许多高档的西餐厅,大部分年轻人都望而生畏,既不能得到很好的放松,又价格普遍不亲民。为了给压力大的年轻人营造休闲放松的餐厅氛围,该空间设计注重人文关怀,做一个有特色又不拘束的空间。 迷迭香餐饮空间软装设计与搭配:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_198359.html
