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时间:2024-05-08 22:12来源:95328



Abstract:In recent years, unmanned vehicles, unmanned aircraft frequent waves, unmanned ships are rarely known. In fact, the navies of all countries have also invested a great deal of effort in the latter's research and development. Such as the United States Navy's "Spartan scout", "beaver" and "Owl" series of unmanned surface vessel, the Israeli navy "protector" and "silver Marlin" unmanned patrol boats, Sirehna company to develop Rodeur unmanned surface vessel etc.. The United States has also developed a Navy unmanned surface craft master plan as a guide for the development of unmanned naval vessels in the United States navy. The development of unmanned craft is backward than unmanned aerial vehicle, one is the environment that unmanned boat faces is more miscellaneous. Generally speaking, the UAV's cruising altitude is several thousand meters, and the atmospheric environment is relatively stable during the flight. And unmanned boats are not the same, the waves continue to beat, light reflected in the water surface interference, as well as offshore more obstacles will have a great impact on the sensor. The two is that the offshore targets are generally close, while the advantages of sensors such as lasers and infrared sensors are to detect distant targets, which pose a greater challenge to the accuracy and reliability of unmanned sensor systems.

Keywords: Unmanned Surface Vessel; key technology; task module

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 选题背景 1

1.1.1 水面无人艇的发展 1

1.1.2 国外研究现状 1

1.1.3 国内研究现状 5

1.1.4 水面无人艇的关键技术 6

1.2 选题的目的于意义 7

第二章 水面无人艇功能分析 8

2.1 水面无人艇在民用领域的用途 8

2.2 水面无人艇在军事领域的用途 8

第三章 水面无人艇的工作模式及特点 智能USV水面无人艇创新设计:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_203719.html
