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时间:2024-05-26 10:07来源:95474



Abstract:Rely on campus culture creative product design school is precious wealth, a school campus culture creative products as special product of bearing deep campus culture, not only can play the role of communication and promote the school culture, economic development and huge market and prospect.Based on jiangsu university of science and technology campus culture creative product design, in-depth analysis of the combination of jiangsu university of science and technology, culture and product ideas, further analysis of how to promote the development of campus culture in jiangsu university of science and technology industry.The analysis can be used as the product carrier, product design element and type of the cultural creative resource of jiangsu university of science and technology.Through the design appropriate cultural creative products to inheritance and campus culture embodied in jiangsu university of science and technology, so as to further promote the development of  jiangsu university of science and technology, culture and communication.

Keywords: campus culture;Product design;Creative products;Jiangsu university of science and technology


第一章绪论 1

1.1研究背景及现状 1

1.1.1校园文创产品的研究背景 1

1.1.2国外大学文创产品发展现状 1

1.1.3国内大学文创产品发展现状 2

1.2研究目的与意义 3

1.3研究内容 3

1.3.1文创产品 3

1.3.2校园文创产品 3

1.3.3江苏科技大学校园文化 4

1.4研究技术方法 4

第二章校园文创产品的相关理论分析 5

2.1校园文创产品的设计目的 5

2.2校园文创产品的创意 6

2.2.1创意表达和校园文化 7

2.2.2校园生活方式中创意点的获取 8

2.2.3全面整合创意思维 9

2.3大学文创产品的设计策略 11

第三章校园文创产品的设计表达 12

3.1创造校园文创产品形态 12

3.2高校文化与系列产品 13

3.2.1建立校园的视觉体系 13

3.2.2阐述产品主题 14

3.3校园文创产品的经营与营销 15

3.3.1建立规范的经营模式 江苏科技大学文创校园文化设计的学校创意产品系列:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_204008.html
