毕业论文关键词 老龄化 餐饮空间 养老院 老年设计
Title Design of the nursing home dining space
Abstract The rapid development of modern society, the average age of the world's population becomeslarger, which means that the proportion of the world's elderly population is also growing . Anaging society has become increasingly serious, multiple social issues arise, the impact of socialstable. Now exists on social nursing homes, daycare center and other pension measures.According to the particularity requirement psychological, physical, social aspects of the elderly,discusses the social existence of nursing homes, in the environment, climate and other aspectsof the special needs of the elderly criterion has not been met. Nursing home dining space designof this issue, starting from a nursing home dining room to the special needs of the elderly forthe purpose of probing a feel for the elderly in the meal, pleasant atmosphere of the restaurantspace.Based on the presence of existing nursing home dining space issues, this paper will design anursing home dining space for research and exploration. The overall content of the article fromthe first chapter: an aging population and social development issues arising, Chapter II:Characteristics and needs of the elderly, Chapter III: Exploring dining space design, Chapter 4:Foreign nursing home case studies, the first five chapters: nursing home dining space design,consisting of five parts.
Keywords The aging Dining space Nursing home Elderly design
目 次
1 引言 1
2 人口老龄化 2
2.1 老龄化社会概念. 2
2.2 面对的机遇和挑战 2
3 老年人的特征与需求.. 4
3.1 老年人生理和心理特点. 4
3.1.1 老年人生理特征分析.. 4
3.1.2 老年人心理特征分析.. 5
3.2 老年人行为特征分析.. 5
3.2.1 规律的活动时间. 5
3.2.2 局限的活动范围. 5
3.2.3 多样的活动方式. 6
3.2.4 特殊的活动场所. 6
4 餐饮空间设计的探索.. 7
4.1 餐饮空间设计的概述.. 7
4.2 餐饮空间设计原则 7
4.2.1 满足多种功能要求原则. 7
4.2.2 满足环境适应性原则.. 7
4.2.3 满足顾客心理需求原则. 8
4.2.4 满足可行性技术要求原则 8
4.2.5 满足个性化原则. 8
4.3 餐饮空间的现状分析.. 8
4.3.1 餐饮空间设计的现状.. 8
4.3.2 餐饮空间设计存在弊端. 9
4.3.3 餐饮空间设计案例分析. 9
5 国外养老院案例分析 10
6 养老院餐饮空间设计方案探索.. 11
6.1 养老院实地调研.. 11
6.2 养老院餐饮空间设计前期方案.. 11
6.3 养老院餐饮空间设计方案中期修整 12
6.4 养老院餐饮空间设计最后方案.. 13
6.4.1 平时用餐.. 14
6.4.2 个性化用餐. 14
6.4.3 节庆用餐.. 15
6.4.4 家庭用餐.. 15 养老院餐饮空间设计研究+文献综述:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_26906.html