毕业论文关键词: 张大千; 书画; 临摹; 敦煌; 泼墨泼彩
Study on Zhang Daqian's art of painting and calligraphy
Abstract: Zhang Daqian is a famous modern painting and calligraphy artist of the country. Specializes in landscapes, flowers, birds, figures, meticulous, freehand, especially ink splash of color terms of the highest artistic achievement. He, the creative process, to learn the essence of traditional painting and calligraphy learning, looking for inspiration from the traditional techniques, and social change in their lives, continue to accept the penetration of the spirit of the times, and gradually formed its own unique artistic style, opened a modern Chinese painting and calligraphy performance of the new world.
Zhang Daqian's early years are under the tutelage of stele school master Ceng xi and Li Ruiqing to learn calligraphy, and copying the Wild schools of Shi Tao, Bada, Shi xi and so on, what laid the foundation for the creation of art in his life. In his middle-aged, he travels landscape, expands his mind, and leaves a lot of landscape painting. The most more is Huangshan and his hometown of Qingcheng Mountain. In Dunhuang, he learns the techniques of using unique lines, colors and outlines. In old age, he is influenced by the western modern painting, what makes he creating splash color painting method and applying it to the paintings.
Keyword: Zhang Daqian;Painting and Calligraphy;Copy;Dunhuang;ink splash of color
目 录
一、绪论 1
(一)研究的背景 1
(二)研究的意义及目的 1
(三)本文主要研究工作 2
二、张大千不同时期艺术特点 3
(一)早年:“师古” 3
(二)中年:“师自然” 5
1、师法自然 5
2、师法敦煌 7
(三)晚年:“师心” 9
三、张大千作品的独特文化内涵 13
(一)临摹古典画法对张大千书画艺术的影响 13
(二)敦煌壁画给予张大千的启示 14
(三)张大千泼墨泼彩的创新画法的意义 15
四、张大千对当今书画艺术的启示 16
(一)传承与弘扬 16
(二)转化与创新 17
五、小结 18
参考文献 19
致谢 20
(一) 研究的背景
张大千因临摹敦煌、独创个人泼墨画法等原因为众人所知。美术学专业硕士研究生吴玉兰从小处着手,将对张大千的研究重点放在张大千的荷花艺术研究上,她分别分析了张大千工笔荷花及写意荷花的形成缘由,又探究了张大千的荷花艺术语言及艺术价值,从中依旧可见敦煌、泼墨对张大千的意义。艺术学研究者韦晶通过分析张大千泼墨、泼彩山水画艺术成因及风格特征,再通过对山水画色彩发展史的把握来谈张大千泼墨、泼彩技法的创新及贡献,并进一步陈述泼墨、泼彩画对现当代山水画色彩所产生的现实意义,最后本着事物发展的两面性原则,通过研究和解读泼墨、泼彩技法基本元素和张大千本人艺术历程谈泼墨、泼彩在山水画色彩发展中的不足和缺憾,并对山水画中色彩发展的指向阐述作者自身的体会和思考。蒲海红将研究重点放在张大千泼墨山水画视觉图式研究上,通过分析传统山水画的视觉图式与张大千泼墨、泼彩山水画的视觉图式,得出张大千泼墨、泼彩山水画的视觉图式的“变”与“不变”,得出“艺脉传新”与“明见心性”的结论,又分析其与传统绘画的审美共性,包括传统的宇宙哲学意识、“畅神”的自然美学观与对生命意象的追求;同时,他还探究了视觉图式生成的特点,包括形式美的构成彩墨相融、形式美的表现虚实有度、形式的追求心迹有情、艺术语言的完善有线的弱化、水的妙用、色的表现力。 张大千书画艺术研究+文献综述:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_28112.html