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时间:2019-03-31 19:57来源:毕业论文

摘要:湿地作为地球上脆弱的生态系统是地球自净的重要环节,同时具有较高 的社会和经济价值,是人类最重要的环境和资本之一。利用和改造湿地资源 成为一种趋势,特别是最近几年,很多城市都着手发掘湿地资源,发展城市 湿地公园势头已经如火如荼。在这种情况下,湿地公园中的人工构造物势必 增多。在寻求自然与人的和谐统一的基础上,利用自然条件和人工手段来创 造一个有利于湿地生态修复和人类活动的环境。达到湿地环境可持续发展的目的。34145
Discussion on the Sketches Design of Urban Wetland Park
    Wetlands are the most important ecosystems on Earth,humanity’S most important environmental and capital,but also have high economic and social value.In recent years,each city mining Call make use of wetland resources,the development of urban wetland park has become a common practice.In this case,the artificial structures in the Wetland Park are bound to increase. On the basis of seeking harmony and unity of the natural and human use of natural conditions and artificial means to create a conducive environment for wetland ecological restoration and human activities.
At present, the Sketches of urban wetland park is developing ,urban wetland landscape design is becoming a design project, landscape design as a multi-disciplinary nature of the design process, which contains the design elements of garden ornaments configuration. Based on Jiangyin City Furong Sawasato Wetland Ecology summary of discussion and analysis, preliminary design to solve the practical application of garden ornaments in the existing problems, such as: how to fuse the architecture with the wetland, and play its role better, how to make the wetlands Park better look with architecture and so on.
Key Words: Urban ecological wetland park;Sketches design;ustainable
1.1  项目研究背景¬¬6
1.2  项目研究意义6
1.3  指导思想6
1.4  课题概述7
1.4.1  存在的问题 7
1.4.2  湿地公园小品的特点 7
1.4.3 发展趋势 10
2背景分析  10
2.1宏观的社会经济价值   10
2.1.1 社会价值  10
2.1.2 经济效益11
2.1.3 人文价值11
 3.1 区位分析12
 3.2 周边环境分析12
4 设计理念与目的 13
 4.1理念缘起  13
   4.2.1 调研13
   4.2.2 设计构思13
4.3 设计目的 14
5.1 设计内容14
5.2 细部大样设计17
5.3 设计概况19
5.4 图纸表现手法22
6 结束语26
7 致谢26
8 参考文献27
1  引言
    湿地公园(Wetland Park)是指以湿地良好生态环境和多样化湿地景观资源为基础,以湿地的科普宣教、湿地功能利用、弘扬湿地文化等为主题,并建有一定规模的旅游休闲设施,可供人们旅游观光、休闲娱乐的生态型主题公园。湿地公园是具有湿地保护与利用、科普教育、湿地研究、生态观光、休闲娱乐等多种功能的社会公益性生态公园。中国幅员辽阔,地理环境复杂,气候多样,造就了包括国际《湿地公约》列出的全部湿地类型,保护好中国的湿地具有特殊重要的意义。[1] 生态湿地公园园林小品景观设计+答辩PPT:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_31577.html