毕业论文关键词:中国绘画 留白 意境
Abstract: "Artistic conception" and "artistic conception" is the aesthetic pursuit of Chinese painting. "Lively" in traditional Chinese painting, it is not enough to show the shape of the object itself, want to show a lively, also need to show the spirit and temperament of its object, there is no "lively" in traditional Chinese painting is not a complete picture. "White space" of the main spirit is embodied within lively spirit of Chinese painting. Picture of the actual contrast is white space art, the main form of "real" usually is representational in the picture, the author tries to express the object, the "virtual" is in the set off of "real", the empty spirit of landscape is reflected by the "virtual", at the same time, the "virtual" freedom of expression to reach the height of the visible to viewers, this is landscape painting thought essence of white space. I want to by searching information, find the method of literature, such as "white space" to summarize what they understand.
Keywords: Chinese painting blank Artistic conception
1 前言 3
2 “留白”的内涵 3
3 中国画“留白”中的哲学思想 3
4 “留白”在中国画中的艺术表现 4
4.1 “虚”“实”相生 4
4.2 “黑”“白”相映 5
5 留白在“六法”中的体现 5
5.1 留白与气韵生动 5
5.2 留白与经营位置 6
结 语 8
参考文献 9
致谢 10
1 前言
2 “留白”的内涵
“留白”是中国绘画中的特点之一,不仅是营造画面协调的方法之一,同时也是中国画自身所独具的美学观点。对于“留白”,王翚和恽格对《画荃》作了批注“人但知有画处是画,不知无画处皆画,画之空处,全局所关。即虚实相生法。”有绘画的地方衬托没有绘画的地方,两者相互衬托将层次感和空间感体现出来,同时给人以想象的空间,只有当虚实相互发生时,虚处无画之地才是通灵之灵境秒地所在。“留白”,从艺术的角度上说,就是以“空白”为载体进而渲染出美的意境的艺术,它不需要画什么,只要留出画面中空白的地方,给人以想象的空间,它是国画中相对其它技法最简单的。我国清代画家笪重光认为:“无画处皆成妙境”,这是它在《画筌》中总结的,这句话的中心思想就是“留白”。 论中国绘画中的留白艺术:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_69037.html