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时间:2022-05-03 16:19来源:毕业论文



The use of dotted line elements in modern stationery packaging

Abstract: The stationery in the market is mainly in the form of simple and clear packaging, can very intuitive understanding of the basic information stationery, stationery and logo in the most obvious place。 Some packaging designs mostly choose the partial and colorful packaging color, to be able to quickly attract people's purpose。 But I think a little lack of design sense, so I want to use point line line drawing elements in stationery packaging, in people use of the process can promote aesthetic, also beauty and art into life。 And stationery is something we use at any age。 So if you can apply beauty to the packaging design of stationery, every time people use stationery, you can feel beauty and feel art。 Especially the largest user of stationery - students。 If a student uses every day stationery is very beautiful, then believes that through the stationery everyday " ear dyeing ", the student's vision and grade will be in the invisible ascension。 Aesthetics and taste are important to us。 So this time, I designed the piece surface of the point plane。 Through different combination methods and color changes to complete the packaging design of stationery, also match the corresponding stationery packaging structure。 

Keywords:  Line line drawing elements, structure, color, packaging design。



(一)点线面设计在文具包装设计中的意义  4

(二)已有品牌与包装分析  5

(三)产品定位  5

二、设计来源及过程  6

(一)“童牌文具”品牌标志设计  6

(二)包装设计过程  7

     1。包装设计用色选择  7

     2。系列中的主要图形表现及结构设计  7

     3。包装设计图及效果图  8

(三)海报设计灵感及制作过程   9

三、设计总结与心得   9

致谢   10

参考文献   11



在现代艺术设计的发展进程中,点线面代表的线描绘画类别,由最简单的点线面构成的整体绘画视觉效果为大众所喜爱。设计基础是形象的点线面组成元素,形象是指能引起人的思想或感情活动的具体形态或姿态。设计中实用形象作为激发人们思想感情、传递信息的一种视觉语言。它是一切视觉艺术不可缺少的组成部分。平面构成是以知觉为基础的。人们在长期的实践和认识过程中发现,构成视觉形象的造型元素是点、线、面。了解点线面绘画设计在现代文具包装中的运用,如何让我们将其发扬到极致,是我研究的目的和意义。 点线面线描元素在现代文具包装中的运用:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_93362.html
