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时间:2023-04-03 21:29来源:毕业论文



Capillary electrochromatography, as a novel micro-separation analysis technique, combines the high efficiency of capillary electrophoresis and the high selectivity of high performance liquid chromatography, and has a wide range of high efficiency due to its high separation efficiency and small chemical consumption Important application potential。 The capillary packed column, the open column and the monolithic column are the three types of column preparation commonly used in capillary electrochromatography。 The capillary monolithic column is easy to prepare, has good machinability and permeability, and the stationary phase functional group is easy to modify And concern。 The graphene oxide not only has strong π-π electron stacking effect and large specific surface area, but also provides active oxygen-containing functional groups, which can be easily modified to the surface of the whole column stationary phase, and have some enrichment effect on the sample。 Cyclodextrin is a broadly universal chiral recognition reagent that has a chiral recognition function for many drugs。

The final aim of this paper is to prepare monolithic polystyrene capillary electrochromatography columns containing cyclodextrin-fossilene functional groups。 The main work of this paper is to optimize the preparation conditions of polystyrene capillary electrochromatography monolithic column with alkene-free functional groups of unmodified cyclodextrin。


Keyword: Graphene oxide;Cyclodextrin;electrochromatography;monolithic columns;preparation

目    录

1  引言 5

1。1毛细管电色谱源-于,优W尔Y论L文.网wwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766简介 5

1。2 石墨烯和环糊精简介 5

1。3石墨烯、氧化石墨烯及应用 6

1。4环糊精及其应用 7

2  石墨烯-环糊精毛细管电色谱整体柱的制备 9

2。1 实验部分 9

2。1。1 实验试剂 9

2。1。2 实验仪器 9

2。1。3 毛细管预处理 9

2。1。4 氧化石墨烯手性整体柱的制备 10

2。2 聚苯乙烯整体柱制备条件的优化 11

2。2。1 交联剂二乙烯苯对整体柱的影响 11

2。2。2单体苯乙烯对整体柱的影响 石墨烯-环糊精毛细管电色谱整体柱的制备及表征:http://www.youerw.com/yixue/lunwen_155542.html
