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时间:2023-05-10 21:52来源:毕业论文
社会资本对大学新生自感健康的影响路径分析。社会资本对自感健康的直接效应是0.007,生活方式作为中介效应为0.005,占总效应的41.6%。结论 大学新生社会资本能够促进良好生活方式的

摘    要目的 本研究旨在调查大学新生社会资本现状,研究其对生活方式及自感健康的影响,并探讨三者间的关系,从而以健康管理视角提出加强大学新生健康水平的相关对策及建议。方法 在杭州下沙、滨江、萧山高教园区随机抽取6个大一年级的班级共1084人进行问卷调查。采用频数、构成比和均数±标准差进行描述,卡方检验和t检验进行比较,Logistic回归和多元线性回归进行多因素分析以及路径分析构建相关模型。结果 不同社会信任等四个维度在生活方式上差异有统计学意义(P<0。010),且社会参与对其影响最大;不同社会信任、社会支持和社会参与在自感健康上差异有统计学意义(P<0。010),且社会信任对其影响最大;社会资本对自感健康的直接效应是0。007,生活方式作为中介效应为0。005,占总效应的41。6%。结论 大学新生社会资本能够促进良好生活方式的养成,从而提高自感健康水平。88713

Abstract Objective To investigate the current situation of college freshmen's social capital, to study its impact on lifestyle and self-esteem, and to explore the relationship among them, so as to put forward the countermeasures and suggestions to strengthen the health of freshmen in the view of health management。 Methods A total of 1084 classes were randomly selected from Hangzhou Xiasha, Riverside and Xiaoshan Higher Education Parks。 Using the frequency, composition ratio and mean ± standard deviation to describe, chi-square test and t test were compared, Logistic regression and multiple linear regression for multi-factor analysis and path analysis to build the relevant model。 Results The differences of social trust, social support, social network and social participation were significant in lifestyle(P <0。01),and social participation had the greatest impact on it。 The differences of social trust, social support and social participation were significant in self-esteem health (P <0。01), and the social trust has the greatest impact on it。 The direct effect of social capital on self-esteem health is 0。007, and the lifestyle is 0。005, which accounts for 41。5% of the total effect。   Conclusion Freshmen's social capital can improve the level of self-esteem by healthy lifestyle。


Keyword: Freshmen;social capital;lifestyle;self-esteem

目    录

摘    要 I


前言 1

1 对象与方法 3

1。1 研究对象 3

1。2 工具 3

1。2。1 一般情况调查表 3

1。2。2 社会资本评估量表 3

1。2。3 生活方式调查表 3

1。2。4 统计学方法 3

1。3 质量控制 4

2 结果 4

2。1 一般人口学特征 4

2。2 社会资本现状 4 社会资本对大学新生自感健康的影响路径分析:http://www.youerw.com/yixue/lunwen_166023.html
