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时间:2023-08-26 21:49来源:毕业论文

摘   要目的:基于协同理论构建县域农村公共卫生服务复杂系统协同度模型,对内部子系统有序度及复杂系统协同度进行测量分析。方法:分别抽取河南省的武陟县和陕西省的彬县作为样本县,对其卫生行政部门进行问卷调查。利用Excel 2010和SPSS 22。0测算县域农村公共卫生服务复杂系统的协同度,并通过DPS 7。05对其协同发展进行阐述。结果:武陟县农村公共卫生服务复杂系统协同度的最高值为0。18068,彬县的最高值为0。21312,两县的协同度均处于较低水平,供方-需方系统协同水平是对其影响最大的因素,二者发展趋势基本一致。从武陟县供方系统、需方系统和经济系统的涨落分析可看出,其趋势因子波动与协同趋势走向一致,二者相互印证。结论:县域农村公共卫生服务复杂系统协同水平较低且难以提高,关键在于供方和需方系统一致性不高、财政支持可持续性不强。为此,卫生行政部门需重视农村居民需求,缩小服务供需差异;充实服务项目内容,增强政策可持续性;转变管理理念,提高供给效率。89818

毕业论文关键词:协同度;复杂系统;农村; 公共卫生服务

Abstract Objective: Based on synergetics, the synergetic model of the complex system of rural public health service is constructed。 Then measure and analyze the ordering degree of the internal subsystems and the synergetic degree of the complex system。 Methods: In Henan and Shanxi Province, the Wuzhi and Binxian County is extracted as the sample respectively。 Their health administrative departments were conducted a questionnaire survey。 Use Excel2010 and SPSS22。0 to measure the synergetic degree of the complex system of rural public health service in county area and elaborate its synergetic development through Data Processing System。 Results: The highest synergetic degree of the complex system of rural public health service in Wuzhi and Binxian County is 0。18068 and 0。21312 respectively。 Both of them are low。 And the synergy of the supply-demand system is the most influential factor of the complex system。 And their development trends are consistent basically。 Through the fluctuations analysis of the supply system, demand system and the economic in Wuzhi County, I found that the fluctuation of the trend factors and the trend of the synergy tends to be same and they confirmed each other。 Conclusion: The synergy level of the complex system of rural public health service in county area is low and difficult to improve is mainly because the consistency of the supply system and the demand system is not high and the sustainability of the financial support is not strong。 To this end, health administrative department should attention to the demand of rural residents and narrow the difference between the service supply and demand; enrich the content of the service pack and enhance the sustainability of the policy; change the management philosophy and improve the efficiency of supply。 

Keywords:synergetic degree; complex system; rural area; public health service


1 前言 1

1。1研究背景 1

1。2研究目的与意义 2

1。2。1研究目标 2

1。2。2研究意义 2

1。2。2。1理论意义 2

1。2。2。2现实意义 2

2 资料来源与方法 3

2。1资料来源 3

2。1。1文献资料 县域农村公共卫生服务复杂系统协同度的实证研究:http://www.youerw.com/yixue/lunwen_195486.html
