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时间:2023-10-28 10:59来源:毕业论文



Health Insurance Problems of Undergraduates — A Case Study of Undergraduates in Huai'an 

Abstract: With the introduction of the new provisions of health care reform, college students were included in the basic medical insurance system for urban residents range, which gave students to provide the basic health care, which is an important indicator of the development of China's social security。 students in Huaian are part of the college students in China, more developed Language College Students In Huaian, Jiangsu Province, to which it is entitled to health care can represent the level of medical care nationwide college students。But actually carried out by the special investigation in In Huaian college students, College Students and found that there is still little understanding of the health insurance policy and policy on reimbursement procedures vacant disorderly, ensuring adequate and a series of problems。We suggest that the government and universities should intensify propaganda and security, improving the level of the hospital wing, medicaid channels open up seriously ill poor college students, making this system play a real effect on college students' medical security。

Keywords: college students;health insurance;Huaian; 




据淮安市教育局官网提供的数据,至2016年,淮安市有包括淮阴师范学院、淮阴工学院、江苏食品职业技术学院、淮安信息职业技术学院、江苏财经职业技术学院等8所高校,其中中等职业学校在校生8。24万人,本科院校在校大学生6。69万人。[2]源G于J优L尔V论N文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766

淮安大学生的医疗保障走过了一条与全国大学生基本相同的道路。建国后大学生曾经与机关、事业单位工作人员一样,享受免费的公费医疗。但是随着社会主义市场经济体制的建立和医疗体制改革的进行,因为经费短缺,大学生的公费医疗名存实亡,大学生就医开始收取挂号费,医药费也开始部分收取。失去保障的医疗问题给大学生及家庭带来了忧虑及负担。 大学生的医保问题以淮安为例:http://www.youerw.com/yixue/lunwen_197886.html
