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时间:2022-10-15 21:39来源:毕业论文

摘要智能小车是智能行走机器人的一种,这种小车可以用于不同的环境,不受温度、湿度、重力、磁场辐射等外界因素的影响。它可以在人类不能够涉及的环境中完成探测工作,适用于国防军事等诸多领域。智能车辆是一个能够对环境进行感知并根据感知到的信息进行计划决策完成自主行驶等众多功能的综合系统。它将计算机技术、传感器技术、信息技术、导航技术、人工智能及自动控制技术应用于同一系统平台上,是当前最有特点和发展前景的技术综合体。本文设计的红外感应智能行走小车就是这样的综合体的一次尝试,它利用红外传感器对地面的扫描作用完成自主寻迹的功能,可以说基本实现了小车的智能化。 84528





Abstract Smart car is a kind of smart walking robot, which can be used in different environment。 And it doesn’t effected by temperature, humidity, gravity, magnetic radiation and other external factors。 The car can complete the mission that explore the environment which the human can’t be involved in。 So this kind of car is suitable for military affairs and other areas。 Intelligent Vehicle is an integration system and mechatronics system which can make the environment aware and carry out the planning decision according to the perceived information。 It is a typical high-tech and better development prospects complex that using computer technology, sensing technology, information technology, navigation technology, artificial intelligence and automatic control technology。 In this paper, this design of the infrared sensor tracing car is a comprehensive cross-disciplinary attempt , which complete the automatic tracking function in coordination with the infrared-sensitive sensor can be said that the basic realization of a simple car intelligent。

This paper develops an intelligent vehicle control system which can walk by the prescribed route。 The design mainly to simple intelligent robot as the development platform, choice MC9S12XS128 microcontroller as the control platform, and select a common motor car model for mechanical platform。 Through the refinement of the design requirements of each link, the design combined with the knowledge regarding sensor technology and motor control technology to achieve the various functions of the car。 The overall design of the hardware part design by sub-modules, including: major control module, motor drive module, infrared sensor module, servo steering module, speed detection module and power module。 Multiple modules together constitute the car entity and are combined with the software part of the design to complete the signal acquisition and processing, to achieve the intelligent car tracking。 MC9S12XS128单片机红外识别智能行走小车+源程序:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_100369.html
