
当前位置: 毕业论文 > 自动化 >


时间:2022-11-29 21:05来源:毕业论文





Abstract This thesis based on S7-200 and WEINVIEW  touch screen, a driven by the hydraulic transformer lifting platform of PLC control system。 The system mainly completes the lifting platform in the upper and lower, front and back, left and right direction of dynamic control and automatic control and platform near the edge of the alarm function。 Touch screen set up several groups of users, different users to control have different permissions。 So as to make people easy and safe operation lifting platform and lighten the people's burden。

This paper mainly completed the PLC control system design, touch screen control design。 Control system design mainly on the lifting platform action process analysis, sensor selection, distribution of I / O, wiring diagram drawing and programming。 Touch screen control design is mainly touch screen interface settings, touch screen operation personnel constraints, the touch screen input output settings。

PLC and touch screen program, and basically complete the desired action。 On the touch screen, press the button of the hydraulic pump, hydraulic system began to work set the value of a good move, press the "start" button, lifting platform began to automatically move and press the "stop", the platform stop moving, press the "reset", the platform began to restore the original state。 To move the control, all directions button Panasonic platform to stop。

Key words: lifting platform; PLC control;touch screen


第1章  绪论1

  1。1 我国升降平台现状1

  1。2 可编程控制器的发展概况2

  1。3 触摸屏的发展概况3

  1。4 课题设计的目的和意义4

  1。5 本章小结4

第2章  PLC控制系统-5

  2。1 液压系统PLC控制简介5

    2。1。1 可编程控制器的产生和发展5

    2。1。2 可编程控制器的特点和应用6

2。1。3 PLC的发展趋势-7

  2。2 PLC控制升降平台的控制系统设计-8

    2。2。1 升降平台动作流程的编写8

    2。2。2 传感器的选择9

2。2。3 输入输出电路I/O口的分配-10

 2。3 接线图的绘制12

 2。4 梯形图的绘制14

 2。5 仿真模拟18

 2。6 本章小结21

第3 章 触摸屏的程序设计22

  3。1 触摸屏的简介-22

    3。1。1 触摸屏的起源和现状-22

    3。1。2 触摸屏的特点和应用-22 PLC变压器升降平台控制系统设计+梯形图:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_103345.html
