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时间:2018-08-14 10:20来源:毕业论文

关键词 步进电机 驱动系统 单片机 正反转 加减速
Title   The design of stepper motor drive system       
Stepping motor is an the electrical component to turn pulse signal into electrical mechanical angular displacement , it can achieve good positioning accuracy under the condition of complex feedback loop to servo system, and has high performance price ratio,easy control etc. It is a wide range of application in economical numerical Opening access control positioning system in civil and industrial use . Therefore the research and development of the hybrid stepping motor has the important theory significance and practical value.
It is a new stage of stepping motor driver development that the use of single-chip microcomputer controls the driving power of stepping motor control in recent years. The use of single-chip stepping motor control is not only flexible, convenient, easy to implement, easy to program,save the cost, but also has the advantages of simple structure, good reliability and strong anti-interference ability, so it can be widely used in the industrial field. this paper explains the characteristics and basic principle of hybrid stepping motor, and the development status and trend of the drive technical research,controlled deceleration or Acceleration and Forward or reverse of the stepping motor.
Keywords  Stepping motor   Driving system   Single chip microcomputer      Forward or reverse     deceleration or Acceleration
1  引言    1
1.1  步进电机的发展历史    1
1.2  国内外发展现状和趋势    1
1.3  步进电机驱动系统概述    2
1.4  步进电机驱动系统的发展趋势    3
1.5  课题研究意义    4
2  二相混合式步进电机及其驱动器    4
2.1  二相混合式步进电机的简介    5
2.2  二相混合式步进电机的组成和原理    8
2.3  驱动器类型介绍    9
2.4  驱动器电路分析    12
2.5  本章小结    14
3  步进电机驱动系统的硬件设计    15
3.1  驱动器    15
3.2  单片机    17
3.3  控制键盘    19
3.4  驱动系统的整体设计    21
3.5  本章小结    22
4  步进电机驱动系统的软件设计    23
4.1  软件设计原则    23
4.2  相关软件介绍和使用    24
4.3  步进电机速度控制    26
4.4  加减速模块设计    27 步进电机驱动系统设计:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_21273.html