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时间:2017-02-13 13:10来源:毕业论文

摘要:地铁排水系统是车站给排水及防灾系统的主要设施之一。及时排放车站内部的积水, 对车辆的正常运行及各类电器设备的保护有着重要意义。本系统采用西门子S7-200PLC和扩展模块以及少量的中间继电器来代替传统的继电--接触器控制系统,以PLC梯形图的“软接线控制网络”取代传统的继电器构成的硬接线控制线路,对各蓄水池按设定指令进行抽水,对各蓄水池水位进行实时监控。电机发生故障时及时报警并在一定时间后紧急停止系统。通过对系统工艺的详细分析,提出了对系统的控制要求,确定了系统的控制方案。本文设计了地铁排水控制系统的软件和硬件,有效的实现了地铁排水系统的逻辑控制、安全控制、故障诊断及其应对措施。同时也实现了泵、阀控制的自动化和智能化,大大降低了电气控制系统的复杂程度,提高了自动化程度和整个系统的可靠性。经过模拟调试,本系统运行可靠。5716
关键词: 排水;PLC;梯形图
The Design of Subway Drainage Control System Based on PLC
Abstract:The system for the subway drainage is one of the main facilities to the disaster prevention system and the drainage system. It’s important to vent seeper in the station in order to protect the subway system from be damaged. The system is controlled by the S7-200PLC produced by Siemens and the digital expansion module EM223 with some Intermediate relay to replace the traditional relay-contact system, use the Soft control network wiring programmed by the PLC to pump the water from every pool and monitor the water level of them instead of the Hard-wired control circuit constituted by the traditional relay-contact ones. When the pump driver is in error, the alarm will be touched off at the same time. If this alarm be kept for some times, the system will be shut down. After analyze the crafts of the system carefully, the request and the plan were worked out. This Paper contains the design of the software and the hardware for the system, and achieve the logical, safety control, fault measurement and the key for every alarm of it. At the same time, the automation and the intelligent of the control of the pump and the valve has been achieved in this paper. Lower the complication level of the Electrical Control System. Higher the degree of automation and the reliability of the system. After the Simulation in the lab, our system is reliable.
Key Words: Drainage;PLC;Ladder diagram
1绪论    1
1.1 研究背景    1
1.2 国内研究现状    2
1.3 设计的目的及意义    2
1.4问题的提出及解决方法    3
2系统工艺设计    4
2.1 系统控制的主要功能    4
2.2系统控制的确定    4
3系统整体控制方案的选择    6
3.1系统控制方案的比较    6
3.2控制器的选择    6
3.2.1 主流控制系统    6
3.2.2  PLC与其他工业控制系统的比较    6
3.3 系统控制方案的确定    8
4系统硬件的的选择    9
4.1元器件的选型    9
4.1.1 PLC的选型    9
4.1.2 扩展模块的选择    10
4.1.3 传感器的选择    10
4.1.4 阀门的选择    10
4.1.5 泵的选择    11
4.1.6 电机的选择    12
4.1.7 接触器的选择    12
4.1.8 过载保护装置    13
4.1.9 自动控制    14
4.2系统硬件部分设计    15
4.2.1 系统配电图    15
4.2.2 电机控制线路图    15 基于PLC的地铁站自动排水控制系统设计+梯形图:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_2872.html