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时间:2019-01-08 21:00来源:毕业论文

MATLAB simulation of harmonic suppression and reactive power compensation in power supply system
Abstract:The wide application of nonlinear loads to the power grid brought serious harmonic pollution, and thus produced a series of power quality problems, and all kinds of sensitive load on the grid power quality put forward higher requirements.
In this paper, the design method of the passive power filter is studied.. With analysis of various types of passive power filter structure and working principle of and on the basis of the relevant parameters affecting the performance of the filters were analyzed, focusing on the equivalent frequency deviation, quality factor, no reactive compensation capacity and system harmonic impedance of single tuned filter and high pass filter (HPF) effect. As the theoretical basis of the design of filtering device, it provides the theoretical criteria for engineering design..
The passive filter device for power system. In the conventional tuned filter design, considering the actual filter influenced by the power grid load and its characteristics of the element, in the presence of detuning, take the best tuning method of single tuned filter design. In the capacity for a given, the tuning, experience partial tuning and the best tuning design calculation is carried out, results, it is concluded that the best harmonious design income relatively smaller capacity harmonic filtering ability better advantages.
摘要    ii
Abstract    ii
目录    iii
1   绪论    1
1.1谐波的产生和危害    1
1.2谐波抑制    1
1.3谐波抑制和无功补偿的关系    1
1.4本文的主要任务    1
2  对交流滤波器的研究    3
    2.1无源滤波器的分类    3
    2.2不同滤波器    3
    2.3滤波器性能参数    4
    2.4第一阶段总结    8
3  过滤装置的工程设计方法研究    9
3.1本章概况    9
3.2滤波器的设计准则    9
3.3设计步骤及Matlab相关知识    10
    3.4单调谐滤波器的设计方法研究    12
3.5高通滤波器的设计方法    14
3.6工程设计实例    16
3.7第二阶段总结    19
4  单调谐滤波器的优化设计    21
4.1在设计滤波器失配的影响    21
4.2对匹配滤波器的设计策略    22
4.3单调谐滤波器的设计与仿真    24 MATLAB供电系统的谐波抑制和无功功率补偿的仿真研究:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_28997.html