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时间:2020-05-24 10:44来源:毕业论文

摘要随着人类生产生活的进步,绞车已经成为建筑、水利工程、林业、矿山、码头等的物料升降或平拖行业的必需品。伴随着计算机技术、自动控制技术和电力电子技术飞速发展的今天,绞车行业也随之进入了新的发展时期,绞车控制技术已经发展到了调频调压调速,其逻辑控制也由PLC代替原来的继电器控制,其许多功能是传统的继电器控制系统无法实现的。 49559





With the progress of human living, winch has become the necessities of the material lift or drag field such as construction, water resources engineering, forestry, mining, ports and so on. Today, along with the rapid development of the computer, automatic control and power electronics, winch industry has entered a new period of development. Winch control technology has been developed to VVVF(Variable Voltage and Variable Frequency) and its logic is controlled by PLC instead of relay. Many of the features cannot be achieved by the traditional relay control system. 

This design for the status quo of China's frequency winch industry will apply PLC (programmable logic controller) and inverter to the winch control, which not only improve the maintainability, reliability and flexibility of the winch, but extend its life, shorten the development cycle of the winch, raise the level of the winch control and ameliorate the performance of the winch. And the design makes winch control more humanized through the rational selection and design. In this paper, compared with the traditional ones, the design of the winch is more secure at work, more humanized in the operation, and can save energy in life, achieve good economic and social benefits ,which achieve the desired result. 

On the basis of the presentation of the winch’s basic structure, this paper analyses the winch frequency principle deeply, expounds the advantages and characteristics of PLC, emphases on hardware and software design of VVVF, and studies and comes up with a design based on PLC winch VVVF system implementation. Finally, I outlook and summarize this paper. 

Key words:VVVF;  Inverter;  PLC; Winch


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 课题背景 1

1.1.1 绞车的概述 1

1.1.2 电机调速方法概述 3

1.2 课题研究的意义 4

第二章 绞车变频调速控制系统方案确定 4

2.1 绞车控制方案概述 4

2.2 绞车控制系统分类及特点比较 4

2.3 调速系统传动方案确定 4

第三章 系统设计计算 电动绞车控制系统设计+梯形图+电路图:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_52584.html
