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时间:2020-10-24 15:52来源:毕业论文

摘要在信息化时代,及时掌握企业的数据信息,依据大数据分析才能做出正确的决策。所以,数据采集系统在各种领域都起着重要的作用。作为数据访问接口标准,OPC采用客户/服务器模式,以OPC 服务器的形式提供数据给客户。基于 OPC 技术的数据采集系统在计算机上已广泛运用了,但PC 机过于庞大,不利于使用,所以具备体积小、结构简单、专用性强等特点的嵌入式系统开创了新时代。本文深入讨论了作为工业开放统一接口标准的OPC 规范, 重点对象为基于DCOM技术的 OPC DA 存取规范,制定了实验的具体实现方法。该方法给出嵌入式系统的选择,整个实验平台的连接方式,OPC 数据采集的程序开发过程和重点流程图,以及使用测试软件检测的步骤和结果。 嵌入式系统选择较易操作的Windows XPE系统,而远程访问的OPC server与连接现场设备进行数据交互的 OPC Client的设计,可以实现数据远程访问,打破了局域网的限制。58586
毕业论文关键字:数据采集;嵌入式;客户/服务器;OPC DA;DCOM技术
Abstract In the era based on information, grasping the data information of the enterprises intime help us make the right decisions on the basis of big data analytics. So, the dataacquisition system plays an important role in various fields. As a standard of data accessinterface, OPC adopts a mode of client/server, and provides the data to the customer inthe form of the OPC server. The data acquisition system which based on OPC technologyhas been widely used in the computer, but since the PC is too big and inconvenient to use,so the embedded system which has these characteristics, such as small volume, simplestructure, strong specificity and so on, has created the new era.This article deeply talks about the OPC standard, which is the standard of the openand unified interface in industry. The key object is the OPC DA access specificationbased on the DCOM technology. This article has made the concrete realization method ofthe experiment. It gives the choice of embedded system, the connection mode of thewhole experiment platform, the development process of the OPC data acquisitionprogram and the key flow chart, and the steps and results of using the test software. Thechoice of embedded system is windows XPE system which is easy to use, and the designof the OPC server that used to realize remote access and the OPC Client which processesthe data acquisition by connecting to the field equipments, can realize remote access todata, and break the limit of local area network.
Key words: data acquisition; embedded; client/server; OPC DA; DCOM technology


第一章 绪论. 1

1.1 引言...1

1.2 课题背景.... 1

1.3 国内研究状况.2

1.4 课题的主要内容和目的....3

1.4.1 主要内容. 3

1.4.2 实验目的. 3

第二章 基于 C++开发 OPC 平台 4

2.1 引言...4

2.2 编程语言的发展与应用....4

2.2.1 编程语言的发展历史 4

2.2.2 编程语言的应用....4

2.3 开发软件的特点及优缺....5

2.3.1 VC 的特点 5

2.3.2 VC6.0 的优缺....5

第三章 嵌入式系统下的方案研究....6

3.1 引言...6

3.2 嵌入式系统6

3.2.1 嵌入式系统的定义与特点..6

3.2.2 嵌入式系统的发展历史.7

3.2.3 嵌入式系统的应用.... 7

3.3 Windows XP Embedded(XPE)系统...8

3.3.1 XPE 系统的基本信息. 8

3.3.2 Windows XP Embedded 系统的特性.8

3.4 不同嵌入式操作系统的比较与选择...8

3.4.1 不同系统的对比....8

3.4.2 系统方案的选择....9

第四章 基于 OPC 技术的平台分析..10

4.1 引言 10

4.2 OPC 技术... 10

4.2.1 OPC 技术的基础知识.... 10 嵌入式系统下的OPC数据采集系统的实现:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_63582.html
