毕业论文关键字 计算机视觉 人机交互 手势 识别
Title Virtual Scene Interactive Technology Based on Gesture
Human-computer interaction based on computer vision,which uses visual information captured from video sequences and understands the body movements,is a hotpot in natural Human-computer interaction technology area.It makes the interaction between human beings and the computer get rid of the constraints of mouse and keyboard.So people can communicate with the computer only by body movements, gestures, facial expressions and other natural information that breaks the barrier of people must adapt to the machine in the process of Human-computer interaction since the birth of the computer,which makes the communication between human beings and computers more natural and more smooth.
To take gesture recognition as the main contents,this task studied gestures and natural interaction techniques of three-dimensional objects in the virtual scenes on the basis of depth analysis of methods of computer vision,Human-computer interaction,recognition of the static- gestures,designed and implemented a gesture recognition and Human-computer interaction systems in virtual three-dimensional space based on the OpenCV library.
Keywords Computer vision Human-computer interaction Gesture Recognition
1 引言(或绪论) 1
1.1 研究目的与意义 1
1.2 自然手势识别的研究现状 2
1.3 本论文的主要研究内容 3
2 自然手势识别技术的理论基础 4
2.1 自然手势识别技术综述 4
2.2 自然手势识别的处理流程 5
3 自然手势识别的算法实现 13
3.1 手势预处理的算法实现 13
3.2 手势分割的算法实现 14
3.3 模板的匹配的算法实现 16
4 基于手势的虚拟场景人机交互系统的设计与实现 18
4.1 系统框架 18
4.2 实验平台的搭建 20
4.3 系统的输入和输出 20
4.4 三维人机虚拟交互实例 22
5 总结与展望 24
5.1 全文总结 24
5.2 展望 24
结 论 26
致 谢 基于手势的虚拟场景交互技术研究:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_64963.html