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时间:2021-04-13 21:34来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词  泓格模块  立体车库  升降横移式  组态王  监控系统


Title   The design of surveillance and control system of stereo garage based on the distributed module    


With the growing number of vehicles, the ground space is being occupied for parking in many cities. Otherwise, parking spaces is unreasonable so that the urban static traffic pressure has been increased. This phenomenon is caused for two reasons. On the one hand in objectively, the increasing rate of cars is seriously inconsistent with the developing speed of infrastructure. On the other hand in subjectively, people are failed to create original and effective parking facilities. So, stereo parking equipment, got rid of traditional concept, is come up. Not only space resources are made full use, the embarrassing situation that can’t parking but also is effectively alleviated.

Lifting and transferring Garage is used widely because of a variety of types, vary in size, adaptability ground. This paper describes the design of surveillance and control system for a three layers stereo garage. We can monitor the entire three-dimensional garage by the distributed module (DAS module). In other words, KingView can realize the data communication between host computer and the DAS module to complete the function that parking cars and get the vehicles.

Keywords  DAS module  stereo garage  Lifting and transferring  KingView surveillance and control system

目   录

第一章  绪论 1

1.1  课题的背景和意义 1

1.2  立体车库分类 2

1.3  国内外研究现状 5

1.4  研究对象及设计内容 7

第二章  立体车库总体方案设计 8

2.1  泓格模块的选型及其功能介绍 8

2.2  所使用传感器的选型及功能介绍 10

2.3  组态王的介绍 12

2.4  检测点及控制点分布 14

2.5  监控系统结构原理 15

第三章  总体线路接线 16

3.1  输入输出点分配 16

3.2  线路接线图 16

第四章  控制程序设计 18

4.1  立体车库运动控制的原则及过程 18
