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时间:2021-04-13 21:38来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词 立体视频    双目视觉原理    深度图      


Title    Research on the technology of 3D stereoscopic video conversion from 2D video based on CUDA


The appearance of stereoscopic video has to break the traditional video display technology. Stereoscopic video can better show in front of the video content and more clearly, these advantages make stereoscopic video become more broad prospect of application in all aspects.  Regardless of the three dimensional medical image display, media advertising, games, pictures, computer and TV shows, stereoscopic video can be has a better effect than the plane, this has a huge role in promoting in the development of these industries, and the demand for stereo display increasingly promote the development of stereo video.

However, the cost of the multiple stereo video cameras is very expensive, so a cheap, efficient 3D video conversion technology is important. In this paper,I study 2D video 3D changes using the principle of binocular vision, based on the parallax of calculation. First motion estimation algorithm is utilized to extract the depth of the 2D video image information, and then get around eyes parallax graphs based on binocular parallax, finally put around eyes parallax synthetic three-dimensional images, the resulting 3D video.  

Keywords  Stereoscopic video   binocular vision   depth map 


1. 引言 1

1.1. 研究背景及意义 1

1.2. 二维视频三维化发展现状 1

1.2.1. 基于图像的转换方法 2

1.2.2. 基于视频的转换方法 2

1.3. 立体视频的应用前景 3

1.3.1. 3D电影 4

1.3.2. 其它应用 4

1.4. 论文研究内容及章节内容 4

2. 二维视频转三维视频的关键技术 5

2.1. 人体双目视觉 5

2.1.1. 基于CUDA的二维视频转立体视频技术研究:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_73249.html
