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时间:2021-11-05 21:29来源:毕业论文

摘要随着现代生产与科学技术的进步,各种各样的生产设备对控制系统性能的要 求不断提高,越来越多的的自动化工业设备被广泛运用于各种领域。很多工厂都 在使用四地呼叫小车控制系统,即将 PLC 和变频器技术结合设计的系统,用 PLC 和变频器实现的四地呼叫小车系统已经被广泛应用于各种场合。PLC 内部使用了 微型处理器,它是一种将计算机控制、自动控制理论和通信技术结合起来发展过 来工业控制装置。变频器通过改变电动机中电源的频率,来调节速度的快慢。本 文设计了基于西门子 S7-200 PLC 和西门子 MM440 系列变频器的四地呼叫小车控 制系统,控制系统以西门子 S7-200 PLC 为控制器,利用一台三相异步电机作为 小车启动电机,利用西门子 MM440 系列变频器进行电机的启动、停止、正转、反 转等功能的控制,来实现小车对来自四个不同地点的呼叫反应。同时,设计方案 为四地呼叫小车控制系统配备了一台西门子 MP270 系列的触摸屏,配合西门子S7-200 PLC 和西门子 MM440 系列变频器来实现对四地呼叫小车运行过程的监视、 控制和简单故障诊断,提高控制系统的自动化程度、可靠性和可视性。73815

毕业论文关键词:PLC 变频器 触摸屏 呼叫系统

Design of Four-location Call Car Based on PLC and Frequency Converter Control

Abstract With the progress of modern production,science and technology,all kinds of production equipment have had increasingly higher requirements for the performance of control system, more and more automated industrial equipments are widely applied in various fields.Many factories are using four-location call car control system, namely,the system designed with the combination of the PLC and frequency converter technology,and the four-location call car control system implemented with the PLC and frequency converter has been widely applied to various scenarios.PLC makes use of the micro processor internally,which is a kind of computer  control,automatic control theory,and the communication technology combined and developed industrial control device.Frequency converter adjusts the speed by changing the frequency  of the power in the motor.In this paper,a four-location call car control system is designed based on Siemens S7-200 PLC and Siemens MM440 series  frequency converter,which adopts Siemens S7-200 PLC as the controller,using a three-phase asynchronous motor as the car start motor,and makes the functional control on motor start,stop,forward and reverse,etc.by the application of Siemens MM440 series frequency converter, so as to realize the response of the car to calls from four different locations. At the same time, the four-location call car control system is equipped with a unit of Siemens MP270 series touch screen in the design, to support Siemens series S7-200 PLC and Siemens MM440 series frequency converter to implement the monitoring,control and simple fault diagnosis for the four-location call car during the running process,so as to improve the automation,reliability and visibility of  the control system.

Key  words: PLC Frequency converter Touch  screen Calling system


摘要 I

Abstract II

目录 III

1 绪论 1

1.1 设计背景 1

1.2 设计目的和意义 2

1.3 应用前景 2

1.4 课题内容 PLC和变频器控制四地呼叫小车设计+梯形图:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_84182.html
