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时间:2022-04-10 22:25来源:毕业论文

摘 要无人机凭借着低廉成本、容易便携等优势在军事和民用领域受到青睐。在民用领域的测绘行业之中,相较于传统的手段,无人机航空测量无疑是目前获取地理信息的最佳的技术手段。因为无人机无需依赖机场,成本更是低廉,拍摄周期也极短。79769




  本文主要研究无人机可用特征选取、高效的特征提取、存储、识别匹配算法,力求解决在无人机的机载设备有限的计算处理能力的局限下实现图像处理,特征匹配的关键技术问题,减少无人机导航系统对于GPS系统 的依赖。


Abstract  UAV by virtue of low cost, casualties, easy to portable and other advantages in the military and civilian areas are favored。 In the field of civilian surveying and mapping industry, compared to the traditional means, UAV aerial survey is undoubtedly the best access to geographic information technology。 Because UAVs do not have to rely on the airport, the cost is low, shooting cycle is also very short。

  In the disaster relief industry, UAVs also play an important role, such as delivery of materials, disaster situation investigation; for the unmanned aerial vehicles equipped with fire extinguishers, through sonic work, into the dangerous areas of fire fighting。 After the Fukushima nuclear leak, the use of T-Eagle UAV and the Global Eagle UAV for post-disaster information collection。

  UAV to achieve the key to self-flight is that it must have high-precision autonomous navigation capabilities, as the soul of UAV - UAS, that is, unmanned system, commonly known as navigation technology is the most important research on UAVs。

  This paper mainly studies the key technologies of UAV based on image processing and multi-feature fusion matching, and puts forward the application of UAV-based image processing, multi-feature Fusion matching, path planning and navigation of the program and algorithm for UAV autonomous navigation system research and application to provide a theoretical basis。

  This paper mainly studies the feature selection and efficient feature extraction, storage and identification matching algorithms of UAVs, and tries to solve the key technical problems of image processing and feature matching under the limited computing power of UAV's onboard equipment。 Effectively overcome the UAV autonomous navigation system on the GPS dependence。

  Key words: unmanned aerial vehicle; autonomous navigation; robustness, multi-feature fusion, image processing, and significant image feature extraction。



2017年 5 月 3 日 1

摘 要 2

Abstract 3

注释表 4

符号/缩略词 4
