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时间:2022-04-28 22:33来源:毕业论文

摘要涵洞作为城市交通中必不可少的组成部分,其地位也越发突出。而随着强降雨天 气的多发,其安全问题越来越值得我们关注。所以当前不仅要加强对涵洞建设质量的 监督,也要加强对涵洞水深的检测与报警。本课题的主要研究内容就是针对涵洞水深 的检测与报警展开的。80314

本次课题设计研究的主要内容为:以 51 系列单片机为控制核心,配合超声波发 射和接收装置、蜂鸣器报警模块、液晶显示模块等元器件实现涵洞水深的测量以及超 限时的水深数据的本地显示以及声光报警的功能。本文主要分为两个方面介绍本次设 计的内容:硬件电路设计和软件程序编写。其中硬件电路部分我选用 STC89C52RC 单片机为控制核心,选择 HC-SR04 集成电路模块作为超声波测距模块,显示报警部 分由 LCD1602 显示模块和蜂鸣器报警模块完成。模块化设计是本次课题设计的基本 思路,主要就是信号发射接收、显示、报警等模块。软件的编写是在 Keil 开发环境 下进行的,程序实现的功能主要有发射接收信号、显示数据、报警和延时。

本文中还介绍了相关硬件电路原理设计以及软件编写的流程图,分析了本课题的 研究目的和意义,最后模拟涵洞进行系统检测及误差分析。

毕业论文关键词:涵洞;单片机;超声波测距;LCD 显示

Abstract As an indispensable part of urban traffic, the position of the culvert is becoming more and more prominent。 With the heavy rain weather, the security issues of theculvert more and more worthy of our attention。 Therefor, not only should we strengthen the construction supervision of culvert quality, but also we should strengthen the detection of water depth 。 The main research content of this topic is the detection and alarm of the water depth of the culvert。

The main content of this topic research and design: 51 series microcontroller as the control core, with the ultrasonic transmitting and receiving device, a buzzer alarm module, LCD display module components to achieve culvert depth measurement and display the local depth data of water and alarm function。 This paper is pided into twoparts to introduce the content of this design: hardware circuit design and software programming。 I use STC89C52RC MCU as the control core of the hardware circuit part,selectthe HC-SR04 integrated circuit module as ultrasonic ranging module, select the LCD1602 display module and the buzzer alarm module to display and alarm。 Modular design is the basic idea of this topic design, mainly including the transmitting and receiving of the signal, the displaying of depth, alarming and other modules。 Software is written in the Keil development environment, the main function of the program is to transmit and receive signals, display data, alarm and delay。

In this paper, the design of the hardware circuit and the software flow chart are introduced。 The purpose and significance of this research are analyzed。 Finally, the system detection and error analysis of the simulated culvert are analyzed。

Keywords: culvert;SCM(Single Chip Micyoco);ultrasonic ranging;LCD display;


第一章 绪论 


1。1课题背景及研究的目的和意义 · 1

1。2超声波测距技术发展现状·· ·· 2

1。3课题研究内容及章节安排·· ·· 4

1。3。1课题研究内容 ·· ·4

1。3。2章节安排·· STC89C52RC单片机的涵洞水深警示系统设计+程序:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_93239.html
