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时间:2022-04-28 22:48来源:毕业论文




毕业论文关键词:单体液压支柱  密封质量  检测  软件设计

Computer System for Detecting Seal Quality of Single Hydraulic Prop

Abstract The single hydraulic prop is one kind important shoring equipment of the coal mine underground mining。The sealing quality of single prop affects directly the safety in production,So the quality of the seal hydraulic prop detection is very important。At present system on the market have some disadvantages like low detection efficiency, software function weak, They can not meet the needs of the market。

In response to this situation, according to the coal mining enterprises for hydraulic prop standards, the existing single hydraulic seal quality inspection system design and improvement。 The system consists of hydraulic prop sealed detector, communication interfaces, computers, printers and other peripheral devices constituted 。

This paper mainly expounds the principle of testing system,PC and how to realize the communication testing instrument,Formulation of signal conversion and communication protocol,Analysis and choose suitable system programming language,Introduces the software and hardware environment parameter programming,Create a data table and database right,introduce the Details of the design and principle of the four mainly PC interface and draw Process map of Parameter settings,Parameter transmission, seal test, historical data management。And at last is report design。The system running results have also been introduced in detail, the process of installation and debugging is given the final system in this article。This system can be a plurality of sealing quality of single prop survey accurate, timely, flexible, has the functions of data collection, data transmission, data record, data review, alarm, and solves the problem of State detection and rapid test in reality。

Key Words:  Hydraulic prop  Quality of the seal  Test  Software Design

目 录


论文版权使用授权书 Ⅱ 



1 绪论 1

1。1课题的背景 1

1。2目前研究状况 单体液压支柱密封质量检测计算机系统设计:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_93245.html
